CentOS8 --Install --Python3

Python 3.6 installation

sudo yum install python36
python3 --version
Python 3.6.8

pip3 --version
pip 9.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)

--Probably installed by default

Call with python command

sudo alternatives --config python

 There are two programs that provide'python'.

 Select command
*+ 1           /usr/libexec/no-python
   2           /usr/bin/python3

 Press Enter to keep the current selection [+] or enter the selection number: 2
  1. Enter alternatives command
  2. List installed Python
  3. Select the number on the left side of Python3 from the list
python --version

--Can be called with python command

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