[Python] Scan the inside of the folder including subfolders → Export the file list to CSV

This is my first post. I recently started studying Python, and although I still have half-baked knowledge, I would like to post it as a memorandum. I would be grateful if you could feel free to comment on any advice.

Thing you want to do

I'm using a departmental shared folder in a corporate environment, but the capacity is small and it fills up quickly. I want to visualize what files are occupying space in this folder. As a general rule, using free software is NG according to company rules, so I made a tool myself after studying.

What I studied

1. 1. Directory scanning with walk module

You can easily scan the folder with os.walk. (In the case of VBA, it was necessary to perform recursive processing, but it can be easily written by using walk)

How to use

for curDir, dirs, files in os.walk(target_folder): For the folders described in target_folder_p above, the files are stored in files, the subfolders are stored in dirs, and the folders in which each is stored are stored in curDir. After that, further for nesting in that for, files and dirs are expanded, and processing is performed.

Example of use:


import os

target_folder = r"C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder"

for curDir, dirs, files in os.walk(target_folder): 
    for a_file in files:
        print(f"{a_file}Is a folder:{curDir}It is stored in.")


Mandarin orange.jpg is a folder: C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\It is stored in the photo folder.
Apple.jpg is a folder: C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\It is stored in the photo folder.
banana.jpg is a folder: C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\It is stored in the photo folder.
dog.jpg is a folder: C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\Stored in animals.
Cat.jpg is a folder: C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\Stored in animals.

2. Output to csv file

For output to csv, open the file with the open function, convert it to csv with csv.writer, and write it with writerow or writerows.

Example of writing


import csv

with open (file name to output (full path),Read mode, newline="") as fo:
    CSV_file = csv.writer(fo)
    CSV_file.writerow(["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1"])
    CSV_file.writerow([["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2"],["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3"]])
    CSV_file.writerows([["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4"],["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5"]])

result: キャプチャ.PNG write row writes one line write rows write multiple lines at once

** Read mode (second argument of open function) **

I'm still studying the optional newline. However, if this is omitted, the data will be skipped by one line when it is output.


File list export.py

import os
import pathlib
import csv
from tkinter import filedialog

#Specify the folder to read
F_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
target_folder = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir=F_path)
target_folder_path = pathlib.Path(target_folder)

filedata = []

#Operate in the folder
for curDir, dirs, files in os.walk(target_folder_path):
    for a_File in files:

        file_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(curDir, a_File))
        file_ext = os.path.splitext(a_File)

        filedata.append([len(filedata)+1, a_File,file_ext[1], file_size,os.path.join(curDir, a_File)])

#Display reading result
print("No.File name Extension File size (Byte) Full path")

for i in range(len(filedata)):
    print(f"{filedata[i][0]}     {filedata[i][1]}     {filedata[i][2]}     {filedata[i][3]}     {filedata[i][4]}")

#Confirmation of file output destination
print("The file list is output as CSV to the top level of the read folder.\n Enter the output file name (no extension required)")
print("(If you do not want to output, leave blank and press ENTER)")
csv_name = input("Output file name:")

if csv_name == "":
    print("Did not output the file.")

    #Output the read result to a file
    output_csv_path = os.path.join(target_folder_path, csv_name + ".csv")

    with open(output_csv_path, "w", newline="") as fo:
        CSV_file = csv.writer(fo)
        CSV_file.writerow(["No.", "file name","extension", "File size (Byte)","full path"])

    print(f"The following file was output.=> {output_csv_path}")


No.File name Extension File size (Byte) Full path
1 Mushroom Takeko War.jpg        .jpg           118437          C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\Mushroom Takeko War.jpg
2 Takenoko no Sato.jpg        .jpg           93003          C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\Takenoko no Sato.jpg
3 cat 1.jpg        .jpg           31115          C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\animal\Cat 1.jpg
4 cat 2.jpg        .jpg           21160          C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\animal\Cat 2.jpg
The file list is output as CSV to the top level of the read folder.
Enter the output file name (no extension required)
(If you do not want to output, leave blank and press ENTER)
Output file name: output
The following file was output.=> C:\Users\aaa\Desktop\Photo folder\output.csv


Other memorandums / memos

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