[Python] Convert csv file delimiters to tab delimiters

Thing you want to do

--I want to convert the delimiter of the csv file to tab delimiter. --If the file contains commas such as addresses, it is easier to perform subsequent processing (for example, importing into DB) by separating them into tabs.


~~-Easy to import and use csv module ~~ ~~ Import the csv module in the calling program ~~

--Import csv module at the beginning of def file --Read and write the target file with open --Read the target files separated by commas and export them separated by tabs → Overwritten on the target file --After reading using csv.reader, store it in an array row by row --For writing, write the array read in ↑ with `writer.writer rows (array name)` at once. If you want to write line by line, you can write with `writer.writerrow (matrix)`


def CsvToTsv(path):
    #Array for reading
    line = []

    with open(path, "r", newline="") as f:
            #Create read object (comma separated)
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ",")
            line = [row for row in reader]

    with open(path, "w", newline="") as f:
            #Create write object (tab delimited)
            writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = "\t")
            #Write all together


If you want to convert encode by reading and writing, specify encoding at open (Example) Shift-jis when reading, utf-8 when writing


with open(path, "r", newline="", encoding="cp932") as f:

with open(path, "w", newline="", encoding="utf_8") as f:

** It didn't work with Shift-jis, it worked with cp932 **

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