[Python] How to convert db file to csv

Sometimes it's better to use python.


  1. Read the database with splite3
  2. Create header and prepare dataframe
  3. Insert each data into dataframe and save as csv

That's all.

Read database with sqlite3
import splite3
path = 'path_to_db'
conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
Create header and prepare dataframe
import pandas as pd
header = []
c = conn.cursor()
for column in c.execute('PRAGMA table_info("table_name")'):
Insert each data into dataframe and save as csv
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=header)
for raw in c.execute('SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY index_name):
    series = pd.Series(list(raw), index=df.columns)
    df = df.append(s, ignore_index=True)

It is a miso that the data is reassigned to df every time it append`s.

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