[Python] How to read a csv file (read_csv method of pandas module)

[Note] How to read a csv file with python (read_csv method of pandas module)

A note on how to read the file when using the table data of the csv file saved locally in python.

How to do

Use the read_csv method of the pandas module.

** ■ Read_csv syntax ** pandas.read_csv ('csv file path') └ The path can be either an absolute path or a relative path. └ Pandas is often abbreviated as pd and imported.

** ▼ How to import pandas as pd **

import pandas as pd

## Actual usage Basically, the acquired data is stored in ** variables **.

As a variable, ** df ** (abbreviation of dataframe) is often used.

If you do not store it in a variable, the contents will be output when it is read.

** ▼ What is DataFrame ** ・ A type of data format ・ Iwaruyu table data (excel image) -By setting the variable to df, it is easy to understand that "this is table data".


① Read with absolute path

Load test.csv on the desktop. df = pd.read_csv('~/desktop/test.csv') └ "df": Arbitrary variable  └「pd」:pandas └ ".read_csv ('')": Method to read csv with pandas └ "~ / desktop / test.csv": Specify the test.csv file of the desktop with the full path.

▼ Read the csv file with an absolute path, Check the contents with the print function.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('~/desktop/test.csv')

#Output example

#         date      start       high        low        end   adjusted
#0    2020/3/9  20,343.31  20,347.19  19,472.26  19,698.76  19,698.76
#1    2020/3/6  21,009.80  21,061.20  20,613.91  20,749.75  20,749.75
#2    2020/3/5  21,399.87  21,399.87  21,220.76  21,329.12  21,329.12
#3    2020/3/4  20,897.20  21,245.93  20,862.05  21,100.06  21,100.06

### ② Read by relative path

Read test-same-directory.csv in the same hierarchy as the .py file. df = pd.read_csv('test-same-directory.csv') └ "df": Arbitrary variable  └「pd」:pandas └ ".read_csv ('')": Method to read csv with pandas └ "test-same-directory.csv": Read the specified file in the same directory.


import pandas as pd

df2 = pd.read_csv(''test-same-directory.csv'')

#Output example

#         date      start       high        low        end   adjusted
#0    2020/3/9  20,343.31  20,347.19  19,472.26  19,698.76  19,698.76
#1    2020/3/6  21,009.80  21,061.20  20,613.91  20,749.75  20,749.75
#2    2020/3/5  21,399.87  21,399.87  21,220.76  21,329.12  21,329.12
#3    2020/3/4  20,897.20  21,245.93  20,862.05  21,100.06  21,100.06

Various options can be set in read_csv. Specify the rows and columns to read, read and open files on the WEB, etc.

For more information, click here [https://qiita.com/yuta-38/items/e1e890a647e77c7ccaad)

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