[PYTHON] How to create a CSV dummy file containing Japanese using Faker

When creating CSV dummy data, there are many dummy creation sites in the street. In most cases, Japanese is not supported.

Therefore, a memo when creating CSV dummy data in Japanese using Python's Faker


Referenced site

What you need for advance preparation

Install Faker


pip install fake-factory

Faker does not support Japanese

Quoted from joke2k / faker

You can check available Faker locales in the source code, under the providers package. The localization of Faker is an ongoing process, for which we need your help. Please don't hesitate to create a localized provider for your own locale and submit a Pull Request (PR).

Included localized providers:

bg_BG cs_CZ de_DE dk_DK . .

There is currently no ja_JP. So create your own provider and create dummy data including Japanese.

Sample program to create CSV dummy data including Japanese

fake.add_provider()Use to create your own provider.

#### **`ja_dummy.py`**

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from faker import Factory
from faker.providers import BaseProvider
import csv
import random

class MyStatusProvider(BaseProvider):
    def state(self):
        return random.choice(['State 1', 'State 2', 'State 3'])
    def name(self):
        return random.choice(['Tanaka', 'Suzuki', 'Yamazaki'])
    def phone_number(self):
        return random.choice(['080-1111-2222', '090-1234-5678', '070-1234-5678'])

fake = Factory.create()

with open("dummy_data.csv", "w+") as f:

    csv_writer = csv.writer(f)

    for i in range(5):
        l = [fake.md5(), fake.random_number(1), fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), fake.random_int(min=0, max=1), fake.boolean(), fake.state(), fake.name(), fake.phone_number() ]

How to create dummy data that seems to be used often

I can't say anything because I've only touched it a little ...


You can make it any date type by changing the pattern part

fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
fake.date(pattern="%Y year%m month%d day%H o'clock%M minutes%S seconds")

Number range

If you want to randomly create data with numbers from 0 to 9

fake.random_int(min=0, max=9)


# 292bfff99620e2ae2f3b2f5b9fab4232
# 739169affdb932770deed3ff5f29f7b9

True or False

# False
# True


# [email protected]

Please refer to Faker for details. Please use it for DB sample data and file IO test.

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