[PYTHON] How to create a function object from a string

When defining a function in Python, you would normally use the def statement and write it as follows.


def foo(x):

What this function definition statement does is create a function object and assign it to the name foo in the global namespace.

If the Python script that defines this function is given as text from the outside, the following code will achieve the same processing as the above function definition.


func = """def foo(x):
exec(func, globals())

The Built-in function ʻexecexecutes the Python code (string or Code object) of the first argument in the namespace of the second argument. In this example, the second argument,globals (), passes the global namespace for this module, so a function object with the name foois created in it. That is,foo is created just as it would normally be defined in a defstatement. In fact, when you runfoo, you can see that it can be used in the same way as it is normally defined in the def` statement.


>>> foo("hello")

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