[PYTHON] Web App Development Practice: Create a Shift Creation Page with Django! (Experiment on admin page)

Before touching the actual page, I would like to check if the model I made is really okay.

As the title says, use the admin page. What I would like to experiment with here is

  1. ** Filter appointments by date **

  2. ** Follow the relationship in reverse **

is. I felt that all of them were Tutorial, so I tried it after reviewing.

It is each admin.py to play with. Let's look at them in order.


from django.contrib import admin
from schedule.models import WorkTime,MonthShift,StaffSchedule,NgShift,GuestSchedule

#### base classes ####

class DateAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

	def schedule_date(self,obj):  #Model object is in obj
		return obj.strfdate()  #Returns what you want to see on the changelist page

	date_hierarchy = 'date'  #Set the filtering function by date object

class TimeTableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

	def time_table(self,obj):
		return obj.strftimetable()

#### main classes ####

###### staff ######
class MonthShiftAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
	list_display = ('year','month','groupschedule','completed',)  #Item list or tuple to display on the changelist page.
	list_filter = ('groupschedule',)  #Adds a filter function for the specified item

admin.site.register(MonthShift,MonthShiftAdmin)  #Apply by putting the model for admin in the second argument

class WorkTimeAdmin(TimeTableAdmin):
	list_display = ('title','time_table',)	# time_table is a function from the parent
	list_filter = ('groupschedule',)


class StaffScheduleAdmin(DateAdmin):
	list_display = ('schedule_date','staff','worktime',)	# schedule_date is a function from the parent

	list_filter = ('staff__groupschedule','date','staff',)  #You can follow the reverse relation with two underscores


class NgShiftAdmin(DateAdmin):
	list_display = ('staff','schedule_date','get_values')

	def get_values(self,obj):
		return obj.ng_values()

	list_filter = ['date','staff',]


###### guest ######
class GuestScheduleAdmin(DateAdmin,TimeTableAdmin):
	list_display = ('schedule_date','guest','time_table',)

	list_filter = ['date','guest',]


It defines a parent class to save code. Experiment to narrow down items by list_filter. I could see them separately by date, so it would be nice to do something similar when creating a shift table.


from django.contrib import admin
from staff.models import Staff

class StaffAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
	list_display = ('name','ng_list',)
	list_filter = ('groupschedule',)

	def ng_list(self,obj):
		ngs = ""

		for ng in obj.ngshift_set.all():
			ngs += "%s(%s) ," % ( ng.date,ng.ng_values(), )

		return ngs


Reverse relation with xxxx_set was also successful.


from django.contrib import admin
from guest.models import Guest

class GuestAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
	list_display = ('name','get_schedules',)
	list_filter = ('groupschedule',)

	def get_schedules(self,obj):
		schedules = ""

		for schedule in obj.guestschedule_set.all():
			schedules += "%s(%s) ," % ( schedule.date,schedule.strftimetable(), )

		return schedules

	get_schedules.short_description = 'Schedules'


It's not much different from staff / admin.py.


from django.contrib import admin
from owner.models import GroupSchedule

class GroupScheduleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
	list_display = ('group','owner',)


It's getting annoying, so I didn't add it yesterday. I'm not going to use the admin screen in the end, so this is fine.

Next time, I will do "Write a template for the schedule table".

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