[PYTHON] Create a PDF file with a random page size

I needed a PDF file with different page sizes for my job (1st page is A4, 2nd page is B5, etc.).

At first glance, I didn't have a tool that could create a PDF file with a different size for each page, so I made it myself in Python.

Things to prepare

The environment used is Windows 10 Home 1903 Ver.

PyPDF2 can create empty PDF pages. However, you cannot write any object such as text or image on the created page **.

ReportLab can create a PDF with characters and figures written directly from the program code. However, ** (as far as I can see) you cannot create PDFs with different page sizes for each page **.

So roughly

  1. Create a one-page PDF file with ReportLab
  2. Read 1 with PyPDF2.PdfFileReader
  3. PyPDF2.Paste 2 into the PDF created by PdfFileWriter

Take the procedure. It's a little annoying.


This time, I want to insert pages of all sizes from A0 to C10 (I know C for the first time), so get all the page sizes defined in reportlab.lib.pagesizes. Saw.


import random
import os
from pathlib import Path

from tqdm import tqdm
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
import reportlab.lib.pagesizes

YU_GOTHIC = Path(filter(lambda n: (Path(n) / "Fonts" / "YuGothB.ttc").exists(), os.environ.get("PATH").split(";")).__next__()) / "Fonts" / "YuGothB.ttc"

def makepage(writer, size, name):
  A4 = reportlab.lib.pagesizes.A4
  #Create a PDF with text
  c = canvas.Canvas("base.pdf", pagesize=A4)
  pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont("YU", YU_GOTHIC))
  c.setFont('YU', 20)
  c.drawString(12, 12, f"This is {name} page.")
  c.drawString(12, A4[1] - 50, f"This is {name} page.")
  c.rect(0, 0, A4[0], A4[1])

  # Create Page
  with open("base.pdf", mode="rb") as f:
    r = PdfFileReader(f)
    p = writer.addBlankPage(size[0], size[1])
    scale = [a / b for a, b in zip(size, A4)]
    p.mergeTransformedPage(r.getPage(0), [scale[0], 0, 0 , scale[1], 0, 0] , True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  writer = PdfFileWriter()
  sizes = list(filter(lambda n: type(eval(f'reportlab.lib.pagesizes.{n}')) == tuple, dir(reportlab.lib.pagesizes)))
  s = random.sample(sizes, 10)
  for n in tqdm(s):
    makepage(writer, eval(f"reportlab.lib.pagesizes.{n}"), n)

  with open("multisize.pdf", mode="wb") as f:

Where I was careful

About Canvas in Report Lab

In ReportLab, you can create a PDF file by using the Canvas class. However, in the canvas that can be obtained here, ** the lower left is the origin (X: 0 Y: 0) **, so be careful when drawing the figure.

If you don't like that, add bottomup = False to the constructor of the Canvas class.

About Canvas object methods

The Canvas object methodrect ()takes some arguments after the X, Y coordinates, height and width, as follows:


    def rect(self, x, y, width, height, stroke=1, fill=0):
        "draws a rectangle with lower left corner at (x,y) and width and height as given."

However, the values such as storke and fill of this argument do not indicate the values such as line width and color, but are Boolean types of whether to paint or not **.

About this, there is the following description on the 44th line of reportlab / pdfgen / canvas.py.


PATH_OPS = {(0, 0, FILL_EVEN_ODD) : 'n',  #no op
            (0, 0, FILL_NON_ZERO) : 'n',  #no op
            (1, 0, FILL_EVEN_ODD) : 'S',  #stroke only
            (1, 0, FILL_NON_ZERO) : 'S',  #stroke only
            (0, 1, FILL_EVEN_ODD) : 'f*',  #Fill only
            (0, 1, FILL_NON_ZERO) : 'f',  #Fill only
            (1, 1, FILL_EVEN_ODD) : 'B*',  #Stroke and Fill
            (1, 1, FILL_NON_ZERO) : 'B',  #Stroke and Fill

The rect method refers to this variable called PATH_OPS, and the two arguments stroke and fill seem to correspond to the two values in this array.

About mergeScalePage of PyPDF2.PageObject

To create a new page in PDF with PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter, use thePdfFileWriter # addBlankPage ()method.

If you want to paste another page object here, use PageObject # merge *** Page ().

At first glance, it seems that you can go around mergeScaledPage () just by changing the scale, but since scale of this method accepts only one value, it cannot be used when the vertical and horizontal scales are different.

If the vertical and horizontal scales are different, you can use mergeTransformedPage (). That's because mergeScaledPage () just calls mergeTransformedPage () with the same vertical and horizontal magnifications.

If you want to set the vertical to 1.5x and the horizontal to 2x, you can do as follows.

page.mergeTransformedPage('PageObject you want to add', [2, 0, 0 , 1.5, 0, 0] , True)

To get the values for all existing page sizes

reportlab / lib / pagesizes.py contains tuples that define all page size values, so we get them with the dir function.

However, this file also defines functions such as portlait and landscape that reverse the height and width of the page, so remove them with the filter function.

list(filter(lambda n: type(eval(f'reportlab.lib.pagesizes.{n}')) == tuple, dir(reportlab.lib.pagesizes)))


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