[PYTHON] Power on / off your PC with raspberry pi


In my home environment, my main windows machine is always running, and I also run pi for a quick test. There is one ubuntu machine with the main machine down for heavy processing and testing, and although it is powerless, it has a GTX650. Most of the time, it's pretty much in the cloud, and if you keep it running, the electricity bill will be high and the room will get hotter, so I hardly move it. But sometimes I use it when I need GPU or machine power. Also, when I was using it from the outside and hung it, nothing happened, so I wanted to do something about it.

So, I created a unit and a script that can turn the power on and off directly from pi.

A little explanation



#!/usr/bin/env python

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import subprocess

#out put gpio pin

#host ip
HOST="Destination IP"

def init():

def finalize():

#gpio power on
def on():

#gpio power off
def off():

#ping check
def ping_check():
    pcheck = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-c", "1", HOST],stdout = subprocess.PIPE,stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
    pcheck_out, pcheck_error = pcheck.communicate()
    out_line = pcheck_out.split("\n")
    for i in range(0,len(out_line)):
        print out_line[i]
    if "1 received, 0% packet loss" in pcheck_out:
        print "ping success!!"
        print "--ping fail--"

#power on main
def power_on():
        print "power on y/n"
        input_line = raw_input()
        if input_line == "y":
                print "power on please wait"
                print "ping check please wait"
        elif input_line == "n":
                print "power on cancel"
                print "input error"

#power off main
def power_off():
        print "--CAUTION---"
        print "power off? y/n"
        input_line = raw_input()
        if input_line == "y":
                print "power off please wait"
                print "ping check please wait"
        elif input_line == "n":
                print "power off cancel"

                print "input error"

if __name__ == '__main__':
                print "please input power on/off "
                input_l = raw_input()
                if input_l == "on":
                elif input_l == "off":
                        print "input error"

circuit diagram


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