[PYTHON] [Can be done in 10 minutes] Create a local website quickly with Django


Let's create a local website quickly with Django. Article environment  Window 10  Django==3.1  Python 3.7.6


It is a prerequisite that python is installed. For now, install Django with pip install.

pip install django

Once Django is installed, we'll build it.

Execute the command in the folder where you create the project. Hello World is the project name.

django-admin startproject HelloWorld

The composition looks like this.
    │  manage.py

Next, create an app. Goodbye is the app name.
python manage.py startapp  Goodbye

The composition looks like this.
│  manage.py
│  │  admin.py
│  │  apps.py
│  │  models.py
│  │  tests.py
│  │  views.py
│  │  __init__.py
│  │
│  └─migrations
│          __init__.py
    │  asgi.py
    │  settings.py
    │  urls.py
    │  wsgi.py
    │  __init__.py

Make your project aware of your app. Update settings.py that manages the project. Added the app name under "INSTALLED_APPS".

Set the URL for site access. Updated urls.py in the project folder. The url is specified as the first argument of path. The second argument uses include so that you can refer to urls.py on the application side.
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path,include

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('goodbye/', include('Goodbye.urls')),

Also update urls.py on the application side. The first argument of path is already specified in urls.py on the project side, so leave it empty. The second argument specifies the view to be called when the url is accessed. The third argument is any name.
from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.get_data, name='get_data'),

Now you are ready to access. Next, easily create the content to be displayed on the access screen. Pass the request to the separate html using render.
from django.shortcuts import render

# Create your views here.

def get_data(request):
    if "data" in request.GET:
        param = {'test':request.GET.get("data")}
    return render(request, 'Goodbye/index.html', param)

Create an html to pass the data. I created a templates folder in the app folder, a folder with the app name under it, and created html under it. Receive data with {{variable}} and display it.

All you have to do is start and access the development server that comes standard with Django. The passed variable is specified by a parameter. ![1.png](https://qiita-image-store.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0/538462/b5191946-0a13-6c05-cf6d-a54175fa9ecd.png)


It took me a while to write the article, but it took about 10 minutes to display it. It's easy.

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