[PYTHON] A story that heroku that can be done in 5 minutes actually took 3 days

How to deploy a Django app on heroku in just 5 minutes


First of all, you died due to environmental differences * There is a MacOS environment construction

I could read the following, but I couldn't do it in 5 minutes because I couldn't break through the mystery error, and I couldn't understand pyenv. com / masajiro / items / 6d79205b79483d1ee00a)

When I tried to push to heroku after a long time, I got stuck http://nafuruby.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/10/18/004834

ssh -v heroku

It was an error

Looking at various articles, there is an article that suddenly tries to push to master, but when I followed the procedure of heroku, the following command was missing

$ heroku git:remote -a [your-app-name]
set git remote heroku to ssh://[email protected]/[your-app-name]

Now it's sunny and I can push to master ..... no

error: src refspec master does not match any https://qiita.com/yukari-n/items/e6107fe52772ef6a2df4

Did you get messed up without making a pipeline? Overview of Heroku Pipeline

Let's distinguish whether you are addicted to Torima git or heroku

The grass that suddenly makes a website with the "Heroku creat" command You can also create apps from the heroku site, which is better?

I definitely want to read it together

Easy-to-understand explanation of Python Web application (Django) even for beginners [Project creation] http://qiita.com/carat_yoshizaki/items/f3c79e38b802c7fc8863

Master Django Fastest Part1 https://qiita.com/gragragrao/items/373057783ba8856124f3 Gununu

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