Introduction to Data Analysis with Python P17-P26 [ch02 data from]


# %load
# IPython log file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

loading file

import json
record=[json.loads(line) for line in open(path)]   #Read in json format
record[0]   #Since the content of record is long, let's look at only one element for the time being
record[0]['tz']   #Of which tz is the key
time_zone=[rec['tz'] for rec in record if 'tz' in rec]   #See only tz in record. But only when there was tz
time_zone[:10]   #See only the 10th line from the top

Count tz and store in dictionary

def get_counts(seq):
Count how many are the same as the character string in seq, and dictionary{'String':Quantity,...}Return as
	def get_counts(seq):#Same meaning as this, but easy with defaultdict
		count=defaultdict(int)   #count={}
		for x in seq:
			if x in counts:
			return counts
	from collections import defaultdict
	counts=defaultdict(int)   #returns `defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {})`
	for x in seq:
	return counts


Find top10

What we are doing is different in shape, but everyone is together

Make a function

def top_counts(count_dict,n=10):
	value_key_pairs=[(count,tz) for tz, count in count_dict.items()]
	return value_key_pairs[-n:]


use class

from collections import Counter
counts= Counter(time_zone)

use pandas

from pandas import DataFrame,Series
import pandas as pd

NA complement


tz_count PLOT

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Element count

results=Series([x.split()[0] for x in frame.a.dropna()])   #.dropna()pandas method Delete blank line Specify line to delete with argument
   #str.split(x)Divide str into a list with x as the delimiter
   #List the strings separated by spaces(In-list notation), Make pandas dataframe in Series class
results.value_counts()[:8]   #value_counts()Count the number of the same element with

Element count (another method)

cframe=frame[frame.a.notnull()]   #Collected only non-null guys in column a of frame(cframe['a']==frame.a.dropna())
bool(map(list,[cframe['a'],frame.a.dropna()]))   #cframe the list function['a']And frame.a.dropna()Apply to and see if they are the same

'Windows' or Not?

import numpy as np
operating_system=np.where(cframe['a'].str.contains('Windows'),'Windows','Not Windows')   #cframe['a']But'Windows'In True, including the characters'Windows'with false'Not Windows'return it
   #` ['Windows' if 'Windows' in x else 'Not Windows' for x in cframe['a']]`Same as

operating_system Another Way

operating_system2=['Windows' if 'Windows' in x else 'Not Windows' for x in cframe['a']]
bool(list(operating_system)==operating_system2)   #True


																	#2016/07/28 22:56:30__
indexer=agg_counts.sum(1).argsort()   #argsort()Np sorted index.Returns in array format
   #np.sum()Basically, return the one with all the contents of the array added

# ABOUT np.sum()

>>> np.sum([[0, 1], [0, 5]], axis=0)
array([0, 6])   #return array([0+0],[1+5])
>>> np.sum([[0, 1], [0, 5]], axis=1)
array([1, 5])   #return array([0+1],[0+5])



count_subset=agg_counts.take(indexer)[-10:]   #Only 10 minutes from the end of the indexer agg_Returns counts(take=get)

count_subset.plot(kind='barh', stacked=True)

Normalization (terminates 0,1 or ratio)


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