If you want to use NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, IPython, SciPy on Windows




If you want to use NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, IPython, SciPy for numerical analysis or something It seems that in normal Python (in the sense that it is distributed on python.org) you have to do a lot of things like building libraries with easy_install and the compiler.

... I want to use it quickly.

So WinPython.

WinPython contains all of the following:

Also, the installer is Portable by default, so you can uninstall it by deleting the installation directory without removing it from the control panel.

If you want to associate, you can set it from WinPython Controll Panel.


When you google with WinPython, http://winpython.sourceforge.net/ comes up first, but as you can see at the top of this page. It is now hosted at http://winpython.github.io/. Please note that the latest version is also published only here.


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