[PYTHON] If you want to create a Word Cloud.

Thing you want to do

――Create Word Cloud with as few steps as possible. (Please when it is enough to make it once)


--Perform morphological analysis with janome --If it is MeCab, it is necessary to set it so that it can be seen from python. --Font settings for Word Cloud


Library setup If you have Anaconda, is it okay in such a place?

pip install janome
pip install wordcloud

Environmental setting

import pandas as pd

from janome.tokenizer import Tokenizer

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud

Preparation from data reading

--Prepare such data (sample.csv). Although I say csv, I don't use commas, but ...


Lion may be a panda
No, that's not the case
##Data read
df = pd.read_csv('sample.csv', header=None)
##Give a title
df.colums = ['sentences']

##Function group definition
def get_nouns(sentence, noun_list):
    for token in t.tokenize(sentence):
        split_token = token.part_of_speech.split(',')
        ##Extract general nouns
        if split_token[0] == 'noun' and split_token[1] == 'General':

def depict_word_cloud(noun_list):
    ##Space-separate noun list elements(word_cloud specifications)
    noun_space = ' '.join(map(str, noun_list))
    ##word cloud settings(Font settings)
    wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", font_path=r"C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/msgothic.ttc", width=300,height=300)
    ##Specifying the size of the output image
    ##Delete scale
    ##Display of word cloud

Run when you're ready

##Preparation for morphological analysis
t = Tokenizer()

noun_list = []
for sentence in list(df['sentences']):
    get_nouns(sentence, noun_list)



Success if this happens: image.png

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