Check if you can connect to a TCP port in Python

It is used for such purposes as waiting for a host to start.

import sys
import socket
import time
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check tcp connectivity')
parser.add_argument('--host', dest='host', type=str, help='target host')
parser.add_argument('--port', dest='port', type=int, help='target port')
parser.add_argument('--interval', dest='interval', type=int, default='3', help='interval to check')
parser.add_argument('--retries', dest='retries', type=int, default='3', help='number of retries')
args = parser.parse_args()

def check_tcp_connectivity(host, port, interval=0, retries=1):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    for x in range(retries):
            s.connect((host, port))
            return True
        except socket.error as e:

    return False

if check_tcp_connectivity(, args.port, args.interval, args.retries):


python --host --port 22


argparse socket time sys

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