I wanted to create a program in Reverse Polish Notation in Python (determining if a string can be converted to a number)


This is the reason I wrote this article, but at the university test

"Create a program that calculates in Reverse Polish Notation"

For the problem. I took a lot of time in one part, so I made it for my own memo.


def isnum():
  if int(hoge) == True:
    return 1

    return 0

def cal(operand,a,b):
  if operand == "+":
    return int(a)+int(b)

  elif operand == "-":
    return int(a)-int(b)

  elif operand == "*":
    return int(a)*int(b)

por = list(input().split())


for i in por:
  if isnum(i) == int:
  #It was a hassle here



Input example.txt

1 2 * 3 +

1 2 3 4 - * 5 - +

During the test, I couldn't think of a method well, so I couldn't look it up. I was stuck in the comment above.

What couldn't be done

In Reverse Polish Notation, operands and numbers are included. In other words, it is necessary to determine whether it is a character or an operand. In the ʻisnum` function above, it is necessary to determine whether the incoming character is an int type number or a character type operand.

I couldn't implement the part of whether a string can be cast to a number here, and I couldn't program it after all.


It seems that everything can be solved by using ʻisdigit ()`. If you use isdigit (), it will return whether it can be converted to an int type.



for w in word:
    print(w + " -> ",end="")



1 -> True
hato -> False
1.0 -> True
 -> False

It will determine if you can cast a string to an integer type like this. You can do anything with this.

If you actually use this and rewrite the above code, it will look like this.


def cal(operand,a,b):
  if operand == "+":
    return int(a)+int(b)

  elif operand == "-":
    return int(a)-int(b)

  elif operand == "*":
    return int(a)*int(b)


por = list(input().split())


for i in por:
  if i.isdigit() == True:



change point


def isnum():
  if int(hoge) == True:
    return 1

    return 0

I don't need this part in the first place. If you use isdigit (), you don't need this function. After all, I became a one-liner. When I ran the above program, I was able to get the correct answer.




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