[PYTHON] Create a bot to retweet coronavirus information


Twitterbot that automatically retweets coronavirus-related tweets sent by Japanese public institutions


Background and purpose

Is there anything I can do on my own with growing anxiety about the coronavirus every day? I thought. Therefore, I recently created an app that uses the twitter API, and I think it can be used to spread correct coronavirus information. However, since I don't have any knowledge of viruses, I can't judge what is the correct information, let alone spread the wrong information and confuse it, so I want to avoid it. Among them, I came up with the idea that I could use the coronavirus information sent by local governments and ministries that are public institutions. I want you to be accurate and to know more about the information provided by people who work for residents in public institutions. With that in mind, I created a bot that retweets tweets about coronavirus information from public institutions.

Main technologies used


--Get a tweet with "Corona" or "COVID" from your timeline on Twitter and like RT --Follow only public institutions so that only public institutions can be output on the timeline --Matching is done with regular expressions --Start every 20 minutes using AWSCloudWatchEvents cron

Applicable source


service: gov-info-COVID-19

  - serverless-python-requirements

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8
  stage: prod
  region: ap-northeast-1

  defaultStage: prod
    prod: sls
      prod: ${file(env.yml)}

    handler: handler.main
      - schedule: cron(*/20 * * * ? *)
      CONSUMER_KEY: ${self:custom.otherfile.environment.${self:provider.stage}.CONSUMER_KEY}
      CONSUMER_SECRET: ${self:custom.otherfile.environment.${self:provider.stage}.CONSUMER_SECRET}
      ACCESS_TOKEN: ${self:custom.otherfile.environment.${self:provider.stage}.ACCESS_TOKEN}
      ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: ${self:custom.otherfile.environment.${self:provider.stage}.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET}


import configparser
import json
import os
import sys
import re
import logging
import traceback
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib'))
from lib import tweepy

#For local development
OAUTH_INI = configparser.ConfigParser()
OAUTH_INI.read('oauth.ini', encoding='utf-8')

def main(event, context):
    tweepy_api = tweepy_oath()

#twitter API authentication
def tweepy_oath():
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
    auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
    return tweepy.API(auth)

#Retweet tweets containing the target word from your timeline
def retweet(tweepy_api):
    exclude_exp_obj = re.compile(r'.*(corona|COVID)(.|\s)*$')

    for tweet in tweepy_api.home_timeline(count=200):
        if exclude_exp_obj.match(tweet.text):
            id = tweet.id

            #Exception occurrence leaves only log and does not stop processing

in conclusion

I sincerely hope that the coronavirus will settle down and return to peace as soon as possible.

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