Try to dynamically create a Checkbutton with Python's Tkinter

* Introduction

In Last time, I wrote the basic part of Tkinter in Python. This time, I will show you how to dynamically create a Tkinter Checkbutton.


A flow diagram of a simple idea.

  1. Create a Tkinter framework
  2. Prepare a global variable to store the result of Checkbutton (whether it is checked or not) and the handle of Checkbutton.
  3. Create a Checkbutton and store the contents of BooleanVar and the handle of Checkbutton in a global variable. that's all.



#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import sys
import Tkinter
import tkMessageBox

root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.title(u"Software Title")

#Global variables
hLabel = []				#Stores the label handle
hCheck = []				#Stores the handle of the checkbox
CheckVal = []			#Stores whether the checkbox is checked

#Get the check status of a checkbox
def check(event):
	for n in range(len(CheckVal)):
		if CheckVal[n].get() == True:
			label = Tkinter.Label(text=u"Checked"), y=20*n + 50)
			label = Tkinter.Label(text=u"Not checked"), y=20*n + 50)
		#Added label handle

#Dynamically create checkboxes
def make(ebent):
	#Get the number of checkboxes to create (Entry value)
	num = Entry1.get()
	#Delete existing checkboxes and labels
	for n in range(len(hCheck)):
	#Empty the array
	del CheckVal[:]
	del hCheck[:]
	del hLabel[:]
	#Loop for the value entered in Entry1
	for n in range(int(num)):
		#Creating a BooleanVar
		bl = Tkinter.BooleanVar()
		#Determine the value of the checkbox
		#Creating a checkbox
		b = Tkinter.Checkbutton(text = "item" + str(n+1), variable = bl), y=20*n + 50)
		#Add the value of the checkbox to the list
		#Add checkbox handle to list

button1 = Tkinter.Button(root, text=u'Creating a Checkbutton',width=20)
button1.bind("<Button-1>",make), y=5)

button2 = Tkinter.Button(root, text=u'Get check',width=15)
button2.bind("<Button-1>",check), y=5)

Entry1 = Tkinter.Entry(root, width=10), y=5)


Execution screen of the above code

スクリーンショット 2015-02-23 17.39.52.png

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