What to do if you can't use WiFi on Linux

table of contents

  1. What to do if you can't use WiFi on linux Procurement of necessary files Run
  2. Why can't I use WiFi?

What to do if you can't use WiFi on linux

Recently, I started to want to play with docker on linux (I can't use it on Windows because I'm Windows home). I stumbled when I touched linux, so I'll show you how to deal with it. I often see things like connecting with a LAN and doing various things, but I don't want to bother to buy an adapter for a PC without a LAN port, so I came up with a way to do it offline on that PC, so I'd like to share it.

Procurement of necessary files

Download the file from the following URL on a PC other than a PC that does not have WiFi, and put it in the USB. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1wZjIoR3OiR6AtsWSOCHfGPerKBPSxrjm


Put the three files you just put in the linux you want to use (safe desktop or document) Open a terminal in the directory where wifi.sh is located,


sudo sh wifi.sh

OK if you execute with

Why you can't use WiFi

The reason seems to be that the driver does not support it. So I'm putting in a driver with this operation. The principle is simple. Don't buy a LAN adapter if you make a mistake. I've only tested zorin mint ubuntu. Maybe if ubuntu and the file system are the same OS, you can go all. We do not take any responsibility for the damage in this article.

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