A story when I tried to make a video by linking Processing and Resolume

Hello. VJ talks ...! !! !!

I feel that the popularity of the word VJ (Visual Jockey) itself has passed a little, but In recent years, music and video have become more integrated, and it can be said that it is becoming a common technology.

One of the famous applications for doing such VJ is ** "Resolume" **.

An application from the Netherlands that allows you to edit video in real time, perform projection mapping, and more.

Many other famous VJ tools are only compatible with Mac, but Resolume is also compatible with Win, so even people who only have Win can do VJ with this.

By the way, this time, I will send the video created by ** Processing ** to Resolume in real time.

Siphon (Mac) and Spout (Win) are used for interlocking, but this can be linked with many applications such as Unity, MadMapper, vvvv, openFrameworks, Processing, etc.

I have a 3D app on Windows, and Resolume is also on Win, so I'll use Spout. Spout can be downloaded from here.

First, start Processing and download the Spout library ** "Spout for Processing" **.

スクリーンショット 2017-12-18 23.54.38.png

First, import spout.

import spout.*;

Let's also create a Spout class variable.

Spout spout;

Create an instance of spout and create a sender in the setup method that defines the processing.

void setup()
 size(1920, 1080, P2D);
 fill(0, 60);
 spout = new Spout(this);

Then, in the draw method that describes the description content, describe the method for transmission.

void draw()

After completing the Processing program, start Resolume and execute the Processing code.

Then, you will be able to select the data received by Spout in Sources as shown in the figure below.


All you have to do is apply an effect.

Well then, today around here

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