A story I was addicted to when getting a key that was automatically tried on MyBatis

When I tried to set the ID (primary key) that was automatically tried by MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT to the object, 1 was set.

Domain class


public class Hoge{
    private Integer id;
    private String message;

Service class


public class HogeService{

    private HogeMapper hogeMapper;    

    public addHoge(){
        Hoge hoge = new Hoge();


        //The ID will be 1.



public interface HogeMapper{
    Integer insert(Hoge hoge);


    <insert id="insert">
        INSERT INTO hoge(id, message)
        VALUES (#{id}, #{message})
        <selectKey resultType="Integer" keyProperty="id" order="AFTER">
            select @@IDENTITY

With the above method, only 1 is set in hoge.

Since the selectKey of MyBatis is directly assigned to the object, you can get the ID by using the code below.


public class HogeService{

    private HogeMapper hogeMapper;    

    public addHoge(){
        Hoge hoge = new Hoge();


        //The automatically numbered ID is output! !!


Mybatis SELECT KEY is assigned directly to the object.

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