I tried to create a Spring MVC development environment on Mac


――For various reasons, I created a Spring development environment. ――It was a break, but I was able to build it in a total of about 3 or 4 hours while fitting smoothly. ――I would like to continue to promote Spring-related activities in the future.


# OS/software/Library version
1 Mac OS X EI Capitan
2 Java 1.8.0_111
3 Tomcat 8.0.43
4 Eclipse 4.5 Mars
5 Maven 3.5.2
6 Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE

Various installations from Homebrew

Update brew

brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup



brew cask install java

PATH setting

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`



brew install tomcat



brew install maven

PATH setting

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.2/
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin

Eclipse installation

Download Mars



Place Eclipse.app under / Applications.

Download various plug-ins

** Japanese localization plug-in ** http://mergedoc.osdn.jp/#pleiades.html

JStyle http://mergedoc.osdn.jp/#jstyle.html

Localizing into Japanese

Place the jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades directory of the unzipped plugin under /Applications/Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/.

Open /Applications/Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/eclipse.ini and add the writing.



Place the unzipped plugin jar under /Applications/Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/.

Initial setup of Eclipse

After starting, open the environment settings at the top left of the screen.

--From "Java> Compiler", change the Java version to 1.8. --Add Java SE 8 from "Java> Installed JRE". --Adjust the "General> JStyle" settings. --Set "General> Web Browser". --If proxy settings are required, set "General> Network Connection".

Tomcat connection settings

After booting, open "Server> Runtime Environment" from the Preferences at the top left of the screen.

  1. Select "Apache> Apache Tomcat v8.0" from Add and proceed.
  2. Enter the name and Tomcat installation directory. The directory is as follows.
/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/8.0.43/libexec

Install Spring and Maven plugins

STS installation

  1. Open Help> Eclipse Marketplace at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter STS in the search window to install.

Install Maven plugin

  1. Open "Help> Install New Software" at the top of the screen.

  2. Enter STS in the search window to install.

  3. Open the Project Explorer from Window> Show View on the screen.

  4. Set the following from the add button and install.


Creating a Spring project

  1. Open File> New> Spring Legacy Project at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter the project name, select Spring MVC Project from the template and proceed.
  3. Enter the package name and you're done.

Initial setup of the project

Right-click on the project and open its properties.

--Change the Java version from "Java Compiler" to 1.8. --Add Java SE 8 from "Java Build Path".

Dependency installation

  1. Right-click on the project and run "Run> Maven clean".
  2. Similarly, execute "Run> Maven install".

Launch project

  1. Right-click on the project and select Run> Run on Server.
  2. From Manually define a new server, select Apache> Apache Tomcat v8.0 and proceed.
  3. Add the project to preconfigured and complete. If the following page is displayed, it is successful.

FireShot Capture 065 - Home - http___localhost_8080_app_.jpg

Points that fit, points that I did not understand well

--Introduction of Eclipse

There are many options for Eclipse, such as using various versions and Pleades directly, downloading from the original home or installing from Homebrew.

--How to make a project

At first, it was promoted from Maven project to Spring environment, but I wasn't sure because there are various setting methods. Also, it became much easier because I found a package that can create templates such as STS on the way.

--Tomcat runs normally

When I played around with it, the execution environment broke, and I didn't know where to play with it. It is good to erase the workspace and start over.

--How to resolve the dependency

I was lucky enough to know that I needed to install it using Maven, not just adding it to pom.xml.

What I don't understand well

--Differences between Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, etc.

If you don't squeeze it properly when you check this area, it may fit.

--Difference between Maven and Gradle

I tried using Gradle, but do I have to set the xml by myself? Maven was all made of screen pops.

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