I tried printing a form with Spring MVC and JasperReports Extra edition (Variables edition)

Articles up to the last time

I want to display the number of pages

If it's a form, there is a guy who is definitely at the bottom of the page. ** Number of pages **.

JasperReport has a system variable called Variables, The user can copy the numbers that the system spits out to the form. Let's do it

Show page footer

This is the form I used until the last time.


I want each page, so I will display the page footer.

Place a text field

What i want this time ** Current number of pages ** and ** Total number of pages **.

Therefore, place two text fields.


Set Variables in the text field.

Let's set Variables in the placed text field

Maybe I want a footer like this.


Let's achieve this. In Expression in the text field on the left


In the text field on the right


Let's set.


Don't forget to set the font

Edit jrxml.

If 5 pages are printed as it is 1/1  2/2  3/3  4/4  5/5 Will be printed.

It's natural because the same variable is specified.

To avoid this, change the settings in the text field on the right.

Please open ** Source ** of the form.


I think that such a screen came out. This xml file is the identity of the jrxml: form file.

You used to operate this with GUI tools.

Tweak the source to get the ** total number of pages **. Look for the tag on the right.

(I intentionally add xml as an extension to add color.


				<reportElement x="520" y="35" width="34" height="14" uuid="a26088d6-0466-4753-b5ba-8932673a1ecf"/>
					<font fontName="IPAexg"/>

Add attributes to the textField tag here. Please edit like this.


			<textField evaluationTime="Report">>
				<reportElement x="520" y="35" width="34" height="14" uuid="a26088d6-0466-4753-b5ba-8932673a1ecf"/>
					<font fontName="IPAexg"/>

This evaluationTime is an attribute that edits the evaluation timing. The default is Now, which is set to display the current number of pages. Change this to Report and change it to get the total number of pages in the report.


Let's execute it after setting.


The number of pages is printed properly.


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