I made a function to register images with API in Spring Framework. Part 1 (API edition)

Wouldn't it be cool if the API could be delivered by a web service?

The main motive is this w Prerequisites Communication of "api.localhost" is possible. See this ヾ (.> ﹏ <.) ノ

The preparation is a subdomain for API.

specification Required library.

Library name Description
SpringFramework 5.0 I want everyone to love
Jersey JAX-RS:It is one of the implementations of Java's HTTP communication specification. Add communication function to Java
Jackson Wrapper for xml and json, convert between strings and classes

1. Make a service side

Method to controller

To make


@RequestMapping(value="/api/picture", produces="application/json;charset=UTF-8")
public class APIPictureController {
	PictureService pictureService;

	@RequestMapping(value="/addPicture", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "X-SUBDOMEIN=api")
	public String addPicture( HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody PictureMaster pictureMaster) {

		//Register the image
		Long ResultId = pictureService.addPicture(pictureMaster);
		PictureAddResponse response = new PictureAddResponse();
		//Convert to json string using Jackson
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		String json = null;
		try {
			json = mapper.writeValueAsString(response);
		} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
			//TODO auto-generated catch block
			return "{\"result\":\"failure\"}";
		//Returns a response.
		return json;

Register the image information sent as a response using the service class that has already been created.

How to receive a request

The first is how to receive an important processing request. Is the controller annotation and the arguments for this method.

@Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) This annotation declares that "this API accepts JSON-formatted requests". And @RequestMapping(value="/api/picture", produces="application/json;charset=UTF-8") With this produces attribute, this API returns a JSON response. I will set that.


public String addPicture( HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody PictureMaster pictureMaster) {

And this @RequestBody decides what class to set Json to. Of course, if you create a class that does not correspond on the client side that you will create after this, an error will be thrown, so Let's make communication that the server side and the client side can handle properly (* ^-^ *)

Do the processing

The process is called from the service class according to Spring design. See DI container, per @Autowired


	 *Register the image(API)
	public Long addPicture(PictureMaster pictureMaster) {
		//TODO auto-generated method stub
		return pictureMaster.getPictureId();

How to return the response

And the second important process is to return a response after performing the process.

First, we defined the beans needed for the response.


 *API communication response
 * @author nozawa
public class PictureAddResponse {

	private String pictureId;
	private Boolean SuccessedIs;

Use the Jackson library to do this class Converts to Json character string and returns.


		PictureAddResponse response = new PictureAddResponse();
		//Convert to json string using Jackson
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		String json = null;
		try {
			json = mapper.writeValueAsString(response);
		} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
			//TODO auto-generated catch block
			return "{\"result\":\"failure\"}";
		//Returns a response.
		return json;

Use ** ObjectMapper **, a class for Json to convert. Just put the class like ** mapper.writeValueAsString (response); **. It's easy.:. ゜ ヽ (´∀`.) No.:. ゜

And let's return the string.

API side is completed

You have now provided the functionality as an API. Next, let's make this communication as a client and use this function. Continued

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