[It takes 3 minutes] When I tried to install VS Code on Ubuntu 18.04, it was unexpectedly easy.

~ What you can understand by reading this article ~

With Ubuntu18.04 (Ver may not be particularly relevant?)
How to install Visual Studio Code.
[Conclusion] It will be finished in 3 minutes.

As usual, this time is a memorandum.
If there are many other excellent sites
I think, so check it out.


(1) Download VS Code

First, in the browser (I'm Chrome)
Search for "vs code".

Probably appears in 2nd place in search (as of January 2021)

of "Visual Studio Code --Code Editing. Redefined" Access the site.

Click ".deb" surrounded by a red frame.
The download will start.


People who say "I don't hit!"
You can download it directly from here .

Click to download immediately
I don't know because it will start.

(2) And install

Open the terminal and download
first Change to the directory.
In my case, enter the code below.

``` $ cd Downloads/ ```

the file you downloaded earlier Install it.
I am "code_1.52.1-1608136922_amd64.deb"
It was the file name.

Next, enter the password as well.

``` $ sudo dpkg -i code_1.52.1-1608136922_amd64.deb ```

When the installation is complete, start it.

``` $ code ```

If the following screen is output,
It has been installed properly.
You did it! !!



How was it?
Did it finish in 3 minutes?
Unexpectedly, it was over soon, so lightly
I missed the beat.

The reason I wrote this article this time is
When I attended a programming study session before
All my team members
It was because I was a "VS Code user".

"I don't know what editor to use"
If you like, please use it.

that's all. Please read to the end
Thank you very much!

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