When I tried to run Azure Kinect DK with Docker, it was blocked by EULA

When I thought about building with Docker

I'm not sure, but I thought I'd run ROS with Docker and run Azure Kinect DK. However, it was blocked by the appearance of the mysterious certification EULA.

My environment

OS MacOS catalina 10.15.7
Docker Desktop 2.3.5

Symptoms in question

In Dockerfile

RUN sudo apt update && apt install k4a-tools libk4a1.4-dev

As Docker build .... and a mysterious sentence

Do you accept the EULA license terms? [yes/no] 

Occasionally, I was hit by the phenomenon that even if I entered yes, it did not proceed.

I thought that maybe authentication is required to install this package, so I added -y to the install option, but it was safely ignored and I felt that neither niche nor thatch built.

Surprisingly easy solution

Command the installation part of the package in question (k4a-tools libk4a1.4-dev in this case?)

RUN audo apt update && apt install ACCEPT_EULA=y k4a-tools link4a1.4-dev

Just add ACCEPT_EULA = y and it will authenticate itself.

Even if it comes out when installing other packages, it is OK if you attach this. (Maybe)

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