What I was addicted to when trying to properly openAPI/Swagger documentation with Rails + Grape + Grape Swagger

This article is the 12th day article of CBcloud Advent Calendar 2020.

I will introduce what I was addicted to when trying to actually generate an OpenAPI document in business and share it with members with Rails + Grape + Grape Swagger.

First review: What is OpenAPI, Swagger?

OpenAPI It is described as follows in the OpenAPI repository. https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification

The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for HTTP APIs, which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without requiring access to source code, additional documentation, or inspection of network traffic.

In other words, OpenAPI is a specification for describing the interface of HTTP API that does not depend on the programming language. Documents written according to the specification can be read and understood by humans, and can be analyzed to provide a nice UI.

Swagger The Swagger page says: https://swagger.io/about/

Swagger is a powerful yet easy-to-use suite of API developer tools for teams and individuals, enabling development across the entire API lifecycle, from design and documentation, to test and deployment. ~ Abbreviation ~ Swagger started out as a simple, open source specification for designing RESTful APIs in 2010. Open source tooling like the Swagger UI, Swagger Editor and the Swagger Codegen were also developed to better implement and visualize APIs defined in the specification. ~ Abbreviation ~ In 2015, the Swagger project was acquired by SmartBear Software. The Swagger Specification was donated to the Linux foundation and renamed the OpenAPI

In other words, Swagger is a project that provides a set of tools for API developers. And the specification for Swagger's API definition was donated to the Linux foundation and renamed to OpenAPI.

Scope of this article

Based on the above, what I'm trying to do (and I'm addicted to) in this article is a project that is developing with a Rails + Grape configuration, and uses Grape Swagger's DSL to generate JSON that conforms to the OpenAPI/Swagger specification. Is to do. Also, when I read the generated JSON and see it with a tool that makes it easy to see, I aim to display it as the intended configuration (and I am addicted to it)

Gem used

The gems used to generate the document are as follows.

gem 'grape' #A framework with a DSL for developing RESTful APIs
gem 'grape-swagger' #Document generation from Grape API
gem 'grape-entity' #Add response formatting tools to the Grape framework
gem 'grape-swagger-entity' # grape-Document generation from entity

Please refer to each repository for setting and usage. https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-swagger https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-swagger-entity

I was addicted to

1. The params of the desc block and the params of the same level as the desc are different.

Validation is done in params on the same level as desc

When using Grape, you may write something like the following. This means that user_name is a required parameter, and if you actually empty the request body and make a request, it will return with a 400 error as user_name is missing.

class Users < Grape::API
  resources :params_in_same_layer do
    desc 'When params are written in the same hierarchy as desc'
    params do
      requires :user_name, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'User name', type: 'string' }
      optional :address, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery information', type: 'string' }
    post do
      present hoge: 'fuga'

The params in the desc block do not validate

Next, when you try to document with Grape Swagger, the following description method will appear. If you make a request without a request body as before, you will get 201 instead of 400 error this time.

class Users < Grape::API
  resources :params_whitin_desc_block do
    desc 'When params are written only in the desc block' do
      params SimpleUserParamsEntity.documentation
    post do
      present hoge: 'fuga'

class SimpleUserParamsEntity < Grape::Entity
  expose :user_name, documentation: { desc: 'Username (defined by entity)', type: 'string', required: true }
  expose :address, documentation: { desc: 'Address (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }

However, when viewed from the UI, it looks almost the same.

Let's compare the difference when looking at the above in Swagger UI. In both cases, it can be expressed that the user name is required. But be aware that the second endpoint isn't really required.

image.png image.png

If you write params in both, the documentation in desc will take precedence if the keys match, but the ones that do not match will be output respectively.

So what if you write in both? I also added the keys age and blood_type, which are defined only for each.

class Users < Grape::API
  resources :params_in_same_layer_and_desc_block do
    desc 'When params are written both in the desc block and in the same hierarchy of desc' do
      params SimpleUserParamsEntity.documentation
    params do
      requires :user_name, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'User name', type: 'string' }
      optional :address, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery information', type: 'string' }
      optional :age, type: Integer, documentation: { desc: 'age', type: 'string' }
    post do
      present hoge: 'fuga'

class SimpleUserParamsEntity < Grape::Entity
  expose :user_name, documentation: { desc: 'Username (defined by entity)', type: 'string', required: true }
  expose :address, documentation: { desc: 'Address (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }
  expose :blood_type, documentation: { desc: 'Blood type (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }

Looking at the Swagger UI, it looks like this. If the keys match, the documentation in the desc takes precedence, otherwise it seems to be output respectively.


2. I tried to display the request of complicated configuration properly in the UI, but in the end it depends on the behavior of the UI used

Let's see what happens to the UI with a complex parameter pattern. Also, prepare an endpoint written in the same hierarchy as when it is written in the desc block.

class Users < Grape::API
  resources :complex_params_in_same_layer do
    desc 'When params are written in the same hierarchy as desc'
    params do
      requires :user_name, type: Integer, documentation: { desc: 'User name', type: 'string' }
      optional :addresses, type: Array[JSON], documentation: { desc: 'Delivery information', type: 'array', collectionFormat: 'multi' } do 
        requires :name, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery name', type: 'string' }
        requires :address, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery address', type: 'string' }
        requires :tags, type: Array[JSON], documentation: { desc: 'tag', type: 'array', collectionFormat: 'multi' } do
          optional :name, type: String, documentation: { desc: 'Tag name', type: 'string'}
    post do
      present hoge: 'fuga'

  resources :complex_params_in_desc_block do
    desc 'When params are written only in the desc block' do
      params ComplexUserParamsEntity.documentation
    post do
      present hoge: 'fuga'

class ComplexUserParamsEntity < Grape::Entity
  class TagEntity < Grape::Entity
    expose :name, documentation: { desc: 'Tag name (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }

  class AddressEntity < Grape::Entity
    expose :name, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery name (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }
    expose :address, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery address (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }
    expose :tags, documentation: { desc: 'Tag (defined by entity)', type: 'array', is_array: true }, using: TagEntity

  expose :user_name, documentation: { desc: 'Username (defined by entity)', type: 'string' }
  expose :addresses, documentation: { desc: 'Delivery information (defined by entity)', type: 'array', is_array: true }, using: AddressEntity

Let's check it with Swagger UI. One is not displayed in the array, the other is displayed, but the hierarchical structure is difficult to understand.

image.png image.png

I will try to make it easier to see. Try adding param_type:'body' to all parameters.

class Users < Grape::API
  resources :complex_params_in_same_layer do
    desc 'When params are written in the same hierarchy as desc'
    params do
      requires :user_name, type: Integer, documentation: { desc: 'User name', type: 'string', param_type: 'body' }
#The following is omitted

Check again in the Swagger UI. Then, the one defined by Entity still loses the hierarchical structure. The way of writing Entity may be bad. And on the other hand, the hierarchy is easier to understand, but it doesn't reflect the explanation.

image.png image.png

So, I will try a UI that can interpret other OpenAPI. Click here to use. https://github.com/Redocly/redoc

Entity is still the same, but the explanation is a little better. And for those on the same level, the display is exactly what you want! !! (The explanation "Delivery information" attached to the key of the array is also displayed properly)



What you can see from this is that the actual display depends on the UI tool you use, so let's make sure that the tool you use will display it properly.

3. Workaround required to output example

Even if I specify example, it is not output, so I wondered why there were the following issues. Since it is open at the moment, it seems that it can be done by including the workaround posted in issues until it is resolved. https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-swagger/issues/762

in conclusion

I still don't understand how to use the entity in the request parameter, so I would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes.

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