[LINE @] I tried to make a Japanese calendar Western calendar conversion BOT [Messaging API]

Introduction of LINE BOT

I was wondering if I could make something using the LINE Messaging API, so I created a BOT ** that converts the Japanese calendar to the Western calendar and the Western calendar to the Japanese calendar. This year is the year of Heisei ... and I feel like I'm googled about three times a year, so if you remember this BOT and use it at that time. The method of adding BOT to LINE is also described below.


Everything you can do with one image fits in ^^;

LINE QR code for adding friends

Start LINE → Add friend → QR code You can add a BOT to your friends by scanning the QR code from.


Alternatively, you can also click the add friend button below.

Add friend

Easy to use

Add it to your LINE friends and talk to them in the talk room. Type help and the bot will return an easy way to use it.

If you want to convert from the Western calendar to the Japanese calendar

If you want to convert from the Japanese calendar to the Western calendar

--2017 --Showa 54 If you talk to them, they will convert it to the Christian era and return it.

If you want to know the current Western / Japanese calendar


Technical information

I'm likely to get angry if it's just a promotion ^^; A little technical information on BOT. (Tips for Messaging API will be in a separate article.)

Source code

Since it is published on GitHub, please send me a PR if you add functions or fix bugs. (Spring Boot application.)

[asksaito/wareki-seireki-linebot] https://github.com/asksaito/wareki-seireki-linebot

Fork original repository [line/line-bot-sdk-java] https://github.com/line/line-bot-sdk-java

From the original repository, I'm only playing with a project called sample-spring-boot-echo. The project name remains sample. ..

The IDE may be anything, but I used STS. https://spring.io/tools/sts

If it is left as it is, a compile error will occur in Getter / Setter, so please insert Lombok. http://mmts1007.hatenablog.jp/entry/2015/10/15/204400

Where to deploy the application

I'm deploying to Heroku as described in the LINE BOT SDK sample. (Free plan) With the free plan, if you do not access the server for a while, it will go into sleep mode. Sometimes I talk to a bot and it doesn't respond because I'm sleeping.

Reference site

Spring Tool Suite (STS) Reduce the amount of code with Lombok! Heroku.com

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