(Windows10) Install Linux environment and gnuplot.

Who is the target of this article

-People who only have a Windows 10 machine but need a Linux environment. ・ People who have recently started studying servers. ・ University students who are about to start programming classes.

Abstract Build an environment on Windows10 that allows you to use Ubuntu terminals and Linux commands ( bash, ssh, git, apt, etc.). Then, install gnuplot in Ubuntu so that the output result can be displayed on Windows 10.

Build a Linux environment on Windows 10.

Install "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" or "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS" from the Microsoft Store.

18.04 https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N9TNGVNDL3Q

20.04 https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N6SVWS3RX71 ubuntu

To refer to Windows files, add the `` `/ mnt/``` directory to the beginning as shown below.

For example, when moving to a file on drive C


$ cd /mnt/C/...

You can access it by doing.

Introduction of X Window System

This time, by introducing X Window System, the result of execution on Linux (Ubuntu) (for example, the graph output by gnuplot) can be displayed on Windows. Install x11 on Linux (Ubuntu) and Xming on Windows.

x11 installation

Start Ubuntu downloaded earlier and enter the following command.


#apt update
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

#x11 installation
$ sudo apt install x11-apps

Here, make sure that x11 is installed normally on the Limux side and that the GUI does not exist on the Windows side. Now, when I try to display something with x11, I should get an error. Execute the following command.


$ xeyes &



Error: Can't open display

Is displayed, OK.

Xming installation

Download and install the following files from Xming X Server for Windows. Be sure to reboot after installation.

-[Xming-6-9-0-31-setup.exe] (https://ja.osdn.net/projects/sfnet_xming/downloads/Xming/

-[Xming-fonts-7-7-0-10-setup.exe] (https://ja.osdn.net/projects/sfnet_xming/downloads/Xming-fonts/

Check if it is installed

If you execute the following command and the eye window appears, it is successful.


$ xeyes &


When you run xeyes &,


Error: Can’t open display:



Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?

You may get an error like this. This time,


$ export DISPLAY=:0



$ export DISPLAY=:0.0

And run ``` xeyes &` `` again and it works.


If you add the above command to ~/.bashrc, you will not have to enter it from the next time. Below is an example command for editing `~/.bashrc``` with Vi```. You can add `` export DISPLAY =: 0 or `` `export DISPLAY =: 0.0 to ~/.bashrc``` just by executing from above.

First, open `~/.bashrc``` with `Vi```.


$ vi ~/.bashrc

Next, enter the following line by line in Vi.


#Jump to the last line
Shift + g

#Insert mode

#Move to the end of line
Fn + ->

#new line

#Input of magic
export DISPLAY=:0 or export DISPLAY=:0.0

#Exit insert mode

#Save and exit Vi

Finally, reflect the changes in ~/.bashrc.


$ source ~/.bashrc

Install gnuplot

First, create a lock file in Ubuntu.


$ sudo touch /var/lib/dpkg/lock
$ sudo chmod 640 /var/lib/dpkg/lock
$ sudo chown root:root /var/lib/dpkg/lock 

Then update apt. (Not necessary if you did it in 2.)


$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

Finally, install `` `gnuplot```.


$ sudo apt install gnuplot

Operation check of gnuplot

Start by typing gnuplot on the terminal. Enter the following command and if the graph of $ y = \ sin (x) $ appears, it is successful.

gnuplot> set terminal x11
gnuplot> plot sin(x)




Error: Can’t open display:



Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?

When an error like this appears, execute `` `export DISPLAY =: 0``` etc., or execute Magic again.

Bonus: Install your favorite editor.

-Vim (included in Ubuntu as standard)

・ VScode (https://code.visualstudio.com/) ・ Installation method, etc. https://qiita.com/Shi-nakaya/items/c43fb6c1e638d51bf1c8

・ Atom (https://atom.io/) ・ Installation method, etc. https://qiita.com/purini-to/items/caca2a0c56e984b2f9d8

Referenced sites, etc.

GUI with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows + Xming


Error installing gnuplot

4 of this (https://forums.ubuntulinux.jp/viewtopic.php?pid=32854)

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