[PYTHON] Clean install and work environment update for macOS Catalina

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, I did a clean install of macOS Catalina on my iMac and Macbook pro and updated my work environment, so I'll record the updates. The working environment is mainly Python and Jupyter, TeX a little. This post is Posted to "Hatena" with some modifications and screenshots. I don't think I've seen a photo of Catalina standing up and showing the device icon, so I've uploaded it for reference.

Machine and screenshot

I don't know if this is the correct state (especially the MacBook), but it's okay because it's working properly.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 5.50.28.png

iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017) Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 5.50.46.jpg


I've done this update and I've been able to do it, but I can't. that is,

1. 1. If you check it with Norton, it will stop in the middle, so you need to proceed manually. It's inconvenient because you have to look in front of your Mac.
2. Jpg output is not possible even though pillow is installed with Python matplotlib. If you really want jpg, you can convert png => jpg with pillow. This conversion works fine, so pillow is working fine.
3. 3. I can't download with Gmail for Mac installed on my iMac. You can download it without any problem with Gmail that comes from Google Chrome. You can download Gmail for Mac installed on your MacBook without any problems.

macOS catalina Clean install according to here: https://st-over.com/pc-environment/macos-catalina/.

Manual installation

First, reinstall Norton and MS-Office, which you are spending money on, and then add your favorite applications.

Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac
Firefox           #browser
Google Chrome     #browser
Ricty Diminished  #font(Monospaced for programming)
IPAex             #font(Japanese for TeX)
CotEditor         #Text editor
Atom              #Text editor
Google Earth Pro  #Virtual globe system
Google Japanese input#Japanese input system

If you are told "I can't open" when trying to start Atom, check "system preferences => Seculity & Privacy => General" from the apple mark. If there is an indication as to whether to allow access to Atom, allow this. (Keep the key mark open)

Command Line Tools When you do'gcc -v', a message such as "Please insert command line tools" will appear and a dialog box for installing command line tools will appear. Install according to this. Or this.

 xcode-select --install

Homebrew Copy the following installation script from here: https://brew.sh/index_ja, paste it into the terminal, and execute it.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Installation by Homebrew

brew install gcc                    #Including gfortran
brew install gawk                   #Auxiliary programming when using GMT
brew install ghostscript            #eps handling
brew install gmt                    #Drawing: Generic Mapping Tools

Python related

Catelina also has Python 3.7, but I want to use the latest version of Python, so I decided to use pyenv.

Use pyenv

brew install pyenv
pyenv install -l
pyenv install 3.8.1
pyenv global 3.8.1

Write the path to .zshrc

The first line is a spell that simplifies the prompt display.

PROMPT="%# "

export PYENV_ROOT=${HOME}/.pyenv
export PATH=${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:$PATH
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Install the library you want with pip

numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pillow, pandas will be standard. In addition, it is convenient to output the calculation result in python to the Excel table to paste it in the word, so put the library related to access to Excel. After that, add sympy, scikit-learn-learn, and seaborn that you often use.

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install numpy       #Numerical calculation library
pip3 install scipy       #Library for numerical analysis
pip3 install matplotlib  #Graph creation library
pip3 install pillow      #Image processing library
pip3 install pandas      #Library for data processing support
pip3 install xlrd        #Excel data reading library
pip3 install xlwt        #Excel data writing library
pip3 install openpyxl    #Excel data reading and writing
pip3 install sympy       #Library for symbol calculation
pip3 install scikit-learn #sklearn
pip3 install seaborn      #seaborn

Jupyter Notebook Jupyter is also installed with pip.

pip3 install jupyter
pip3 install jupyterthemes

Change the theme, font size, cell width, and line spacing as follows. I like oceans16 so I set it. The characters should be a little large, the line spacing should be a little tight, and the cell width should be wide.

jt -l
Available Themes:

jt -t oceans16 -fs 12 -ofs 12 -cellw 1200 -lineh 120 -N -T

Set the line number to the default display according to this: https://qiita.com/pollenjp/items/88600df83448a8ff5ea6.

BasicTex Business reports must be ward, but technical documentation containing personal formulas would still be TeX. It is also convenient to type formulas in TeX for posting on Qiita and Hatena blogs.

Install according to here: https://qiita.com/yaplus/items/55fa6957c1b15dbcf387. The path "/ Library / TeX / texbin" seems to be added automatically. It seems that "mktexlsr" is also executed automatically.

that's all

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