Linux (Bash) and Windows (Powershell) key binding correspondence table

Make a note for the time being.

About the environment


For Teraterm users </ font>

I often use Teraterm, Apparently, ** Teraterm key bindings are prioritized **, The key binding correspondence table described below is partially unavailable </ font>.

I don't know because I haven't used it, but it may be possible </ font> with other terminal software (such as MobaXterm).

However, it may be better to use a standard terminal or Powershell quietly. .. ..

Key binding correspondence table

motion Linux(Bash) Windows(Powershell)
Suspension [Ctrl] + [C] [Ctrl] + [C]
Clear screen [Ctrl] + [L] [Ctrl] + [L]
Delete one last word [Ctrl] + [W] [Ctrl] + [BackSpace]
Go to the next word [Ctrl] + [→]Or[Alt] + [F] [Ctrl] + [→]
Back to previous word [Ctrl] + [←]Or[Alt] + [B] [Ctrl] + [←]
Delete from the cursor position to the beginning [Ctrl] + [U] [Ctrl] + [Home]
Delete from the cursor position to the end [Ctrl] + [K] [Ctrl] + [End]
Set the cursor position to the beginning [Ctrl] + [A]Or[Home] [Home]
Set the cursor position to the end [Ctrl] + [E]Or[End] [End]
Line break without executing command not exist
$ command \ #At the end of the command\Attach
[Ctrl] + [Enter]
If there is anything else, I will add it as needed `` ``