[LINUX] Memorandum of sed

A memorandum for when you want to replace data in bulk using sed. Will be added at any time.


First, when you want to delete even and odd lines respectively. As a preparation, prepare a file that outputs different character strings on even and odd lines.

$ for i in {1..10}; do
if [ $(($i % 2)) = 0 ]; then
echo 'Even lines'
echo 'Odd line'
done > number.txt

$ cat number.txt
Odd line
Even lines
Odd line
Even lines
Odd line
Even lines
Odd line
Even lines
Odd line
Even lines

I want to delete even rows

$ sed -i -e 'n; d' number.txt
$ cat number.txt
Odd line
Odd line
Odd line
Odd line
Odd line

I want to delete odd rows

$ sed -i -e '1d; n; d' number.txt
$ cat number.txt
Even lines
Even lines
Even lines
Even lines
Even lines


I want to replace a specific character string with a character string containing spaces at once

All I had to do was escape the space.

$ pen='this is a pen.\n'
$ printf $pen"%.s" {1..10} > pen.txt
$ cat pen.txt
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.
this is a pen.

$ sed -i -e "s/this is a pen./This\ is\ a\ pen\./g" pen.txt
$ cat pen.txt
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.
This is a pen.

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