Memorandum of Understanding when migrating with GORM


Make a note of the part that I investigated a little around, such as model definition with struct and migration with ʻAutoMigrate`.

To use UUID for ID

While leaving the automatic generation of UUID to the library, I wanted to be able to specify a fixed UUID when inputting test and seed data, so I corresponded as follows.

First, define the model in the struct

package model

import (

type User struct {
  ID string `validate:"is_valid_uuid" gorm:"primaryKey;size:255;default:uuid_generate_v4()" json:"id"`

//If the ID does not come, do not validate it, and if it does, check if it is a UUID
validate := validator.New()
validate.RegisterValidation("is_valid_uuid", isValidUUID)

func isValidUUID(fl v.FieldLevel) bool {
	id := fl.Field().String()
	if len(id) == 0 {
		return true
	_, err := uuid.Parse(id)
	return err == nil

Install the extension ʻuuid-ossp in postgres before ʻAutoMigrate (& User {}) to use ʻuuid_generate_v4 ()` above

db, err = gorm.Open("postgres", fmt.Sprintf(
  "host=%s port=%s user=%s password=%s dbname=%s", host, port, user, password, dbname,

if err != nil {

db.Exec(`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";`)

result := db.AutoMigrate(&model.User{})

To use Postgres enum type

Specify type with struct tag

type User struct {
  Role string `validate:"is_valid_role" gorm:"type:role_enum;default:'user'" json:"role"`

ʻAdd type definition to postgres before AutoMigrate`

  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'role_enum') THEN
    create type role_enum AS ENUM ('admin', 'editor', 'user');

result := db.AutoMigrate(&model.User{})


It was a memo about the migration of GORM. If there are others, I will add them.

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