[PYTHON] A memorandum of understanding about django's QueryDict

This is the one used in request.POST. Note that it was necessary to confirm the difference in behavior with dict.

The feature is

--Pass the query string to create an instance --Immutable (but you can pass mutable = True) --Holding values in a list (inheriting MultiValueDict)

>>> from django.http import QueryDict
>>> qd = QueryDict('spam=1&egg=2')

#When you get it with get, a string is returned
>>> qd.get('spam')

#Get list with getlist returns list
>>> qd.getlist('spam')

#Return to query string
>>> qd.urlencode()

#Try to set the value
>>> qd['spam'] = 100
AttributeError: This QueryDict instance is immutable

# mutable=Make QueryDict with True
>>> qd2 = QueryDict('spam=1&egg=2', mutable=True)                                                                                                                                 
>>> qd2.get('spam')
>>> qd2['spam'] = 100
>>> qd2.get('spam')

#Try converting to dict
>>> d = dict(qd)
>>> d.get('spam')

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