A memorandum of calling Python from Common Lisp

I found a library that can embed Python in Common Lisp called burgled-batteries, so I tried it. It is the memorandum.



$ ros --version
$ ros run -- --version
SBCL 1.3.18
$ python --version
Python 2.7.13

Installation of burgled-batteries is easy from roswell.

$ ros install burgled-batteries

Call Python from Common Lisp

Let's call the function from the following module.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def hello(name):
    print "Hi, {}! This is Python.".format(name)

Below is the SBCL REPL.

Execute Python function from CL

* (ql:quickload :burgled-batteries)
To load "burgled-batteries":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "burgled-batteries"
* (in-package :burgled-batteries)

* (startup-python) ;;Launch the Python interpreter
* (import "sys") ;;Import sys module

* (run "sys.path.append('./')") ;;Added because it does not search the current directory for some reason when importing
                                ;;run runs the embedded string in the current interpreter

* (import "hello") ;;Import hello module

* (run "hello.hello('Kojiro')") ;; hello.Call hello
Hi, Kojiro! This is Python.

Not only can it be embedded, but it can also be defined and called as a function.

Define and call a Python function in CL

* (defpyfun "hello.hello" (name)) ;; hello.hello of py hello.Defined as hello

* (hello.hello "Kojiro") ;;Can be called normally
Hi, Kojiro! This is Python.

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