From a book that programmers can learn ... (Python): Review of arrays

In the item of array review Studying python list

From getting and searching arrays *** Search for a specific value ***. Answer code in C ++
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
int intArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = {4,5,9,12,-4,0,-57,30987,-287,1};
int targetValue = 12;
int targetPos = 0;
while((intArray[targetPos] != targetValue) && (targetPos < ARRAY_SIZE))

My Python code
#!/usr/bin/env python

def Search(targetValue):
    ARRAY_SIZE = [4,5,9,12,-4,0,-57,30987,-287,1]
    for x in ARRAY_SIZE:
       if targetValue == x:
           return x

    if targetValue != x:
        print("not found")

・ ・ ・ ・(Terminal execution)
>>> from test33 import Search
>>> Search(12)

Anyway, I'm thinking with an if statement, but I wonder if this is all right. I will continue.

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