[PYTHON] A memorandum about the warning of the pylint output result

I wanted to write the code as cleanly as possible using pylint, so I decided to leave the meaning of the warning as a memorandum.


-Ubuntu 16.04 -Python 2.7.11 :: Anaconda 4.1.0 (64-bit)

Installation method

$ pip install pylint

Execution method

$ pylint hoge.py

Warning list

For the time being, I will add only what I understand.

Missing module docstring (missing-docstring) It seems good to put a comment on the first line as follows

"""This is a test program."""

Unused matplotlib.pyplot imported as plt (unused-import) In this example, matplotlib.pyplot was imported but not used.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Deleted the line

Invalid constant name "model" (invalid-name) In this example, the name model seems to be bad.

If constant,(([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$
The name is MODEL because it is named according to the rules of

Module 'numpy.random' has no 'randn' member (no-member)


'''This is a test program.'''                           
import numpy as np                                      

print np.random.randn(6, 4)

The error was caught in the sample code above, but it worked fine, so Create a new ~ / .pylintrc file as shown below The judgment of numpy.random was excluded as follows.


ignored-modules = numpy.random

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