[PYTHON] About the return value of the histogram.

Hello. This time I would like to take a look at the hist method inside the matplotlib module. What was surprising to me was that this function returned three return values. Let's start with the sample code!

Sample code


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

mu = 10  #Average value
sigma = 15 #standard deviation
#Create 1000 random numbers that follow a normal distribution with a mean value of 10 and a standard deviation of 15.
x = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) 

#Drawing object (fig)And subplot(ax)Created.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

#Draw a histogram here! And there are three return values.
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(x)


result: ダウンロード.png

** How beautiful. ** **

Description of the return value

There are three return values: * n, bins, patches *. Let's look at each one.

--n (array) --Represents the number on the vertical axis. --If you add all the elements, you get 1000 in the above code.

--bins (array) --Coordinates that are the breaks on the horizontal axis --The default size is 10. --ex: [51.3, 61.3, 71.3, ・ ・ ・]


Is the histogram an elementary school? It is also effective as a graph. I think it's better to master it so that it can be visualized quickly. Also, if you want to arrange the histogram Qiita: How to draw a histogram with Matplotlib was very helpful.

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