[PYTHON] Set the output destination of the execution result to Vim started as a modeless window



The execution result started on Vim is basically output to another buffer divided into windows, but

--The screen for source code becomes narrower --I want to output the result to the sub monitor

There was a personal dissatisfaction.

So, I thought that I wish I could get the result in the floating window like IDE, so I decided to implement it. The demo screen at the beginning shows what it looks like. Rust is executed with QuickRun, and the execution result that is originally output to the buffer is sent to another Vim via the Python server and output.


If you can communicate directly with other Vim processes from Vim, for example, if you can use the main editor side as a server, you can omit the Python server, but since I have not investigated it in detail, I modified the Python server enclosed as a sample in Vim and socketed it. I took the method of passing the execution result by communication.

These implementation sets are summarized as a plug-in, QuickRun is an example of actual use, and this plug-in provides a set of processing to send and receive the character string you want to pass by socket communication.


About QuickRun settings and mechanism

I will explain how to implement the demo at the beginning.

Send execution result

Since QuickRun will output the execution result to the outputter as it is, use the hook function to save the contents to the cache before output, and send the result to the Python server when the execution is completed. At this time, set outputter/buffer/close_on_empty to 1 so that the split window for output does not open on the main editor side.

.vimrc QuickRun settings
" .vimrc

let g:quickrun_config = {
\  'rust-run-modeless': {
\    'command' : 'cargo',
\    'cmdopt': 'run',
\    'args': '--quiet',
\    'exec' : '%c %o %a',
\    'outputter': 'buffer',
\    'outputter/buffer/close_on_empty': 1,
\  },
\ }

let s:hook = {
\ 'name': 'modeless',
\ 'kind': 'hook',
\ 'output_data': '',
\ }

function! s:hook.on_output(data, session)
  let self.output_data .= a:session.data
  let a:session.data = '' " empty output

function! s:hook.on_exit(session, context)

  "Send execution result
  let l:txt = split(self.output_data, '\r\n\|\n')
  call modeless_window#send(l:txt)

  echohl MoreMsg
  echomsg 'output: to modeless'
  echohl NONE

call quickrun#module#register(s:hook, 1)
unlet s:hook

Socket communication during transmission and reception

Socket communication uses Vim's channel, ch_open opens two for sending and receiving with a fixed port number, but the main editor opens only for sending and sends with ch_sendexpr.

Send processing
function! modeless_window#send(txt)
  let l:ch = ch_open(''.s:send_port)
  let l:st = ch_status(l:ch)
  if l:st ==# 'fail' || l:st ==# 'closed'
    call ch_sendexpr(l:ch, a:txt)

On the other hand, Vim started as a modeless window on the receiving side, so it also uses ch_sendexpr to execute asynchronously and waits for a reply from the server.

Receive processing
function! modeless_window#run() abort
  "Called from the main editor side and started
  call vimproc#system_bg(
    \ 'gvim' .
    \ ' +"set columns=80"' .
    \ ' +"set lines=20"' .
    \ ' +"set titlestring=[MODELESS_WINDOW]"' .
    \ ' +"set bufhidden=hide buftype=nofile noswapfile nobuflisted"' .
    \ ' +"call modeless_window#_recv()"')

let s:ch = v:null

function! modeless_window#_recv()
  if s:ch == v:null
    let s:ch = ch_open(''.s:recv_port)
  let l:st = ch_status(s:ch)
  if l:st ==# 'fail' || l:st ==# 'closed'
  call ch_sendexpr(s:ch, 'message', {'callback': 'modeless_window#_recv_handler'})

function! modeless_window#_recv_handler(handle, msg)
  if a:handle ==# 'fail' || a:handle ==# 'closed'

  "Helper function that replaces buffer contents with string arguments
  call modeless_window#utils#settext(a:msg)
  call modeless_window#_recv()

Server send / receive processing

Even though it is a server, it is simple because it just opens two sockets and passes the transmitted contents as it is. Vim comes with a socket communication sample (tools/demoserver.py) made by Python. I am remodeling.

Send/receive process (all posted) (There is a bug for receiving)
# vim-modeless-window/tools/modeless_server.py
# from) $VIM/tools/demoserver.Borrow py
# This requires Python 2.6 or later.

from __future__ import print_function
import json
import socket
import sys
import threading

import time

    # Python 3
    import socketserver
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    import SocketServer as socketserver

shared_message = None

lock = None

#For sending messages
class ThreadedTCPSendHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):

    def handle(self):
        print("=== [S] socket opened ===")
        global shared_message
        global lock
        while True:
                data = self.request.recv(40960).decode('utf-8') # NOTE:Appropriate size
            except socket.error:
                print("=== [S] socket error ===")
            except IOError:
                print("=== [S] socket closed ===")
            if data == '':
                print("=== [S] socket closed ===")
            # print("received: {0}".format(data))
                decoded = json.loads(data)
            except ValueError:
                print("json decoding failed")
                decoded = [-1, '']

            #Acquisition of books
            response = ''
            if decoded[0] >= 0:
                with lock:
                    shared_message = decoded[1]

                response = 'sended!'
                response = 'what?'

            encoded = json.dumps([decoded[0], response])
            print("sending {0}".format(encoded))

#For receiving messages
class ThreadedTCPReceiveHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):

    def handle(self):
        print("=== [R] socket opened ===")
        global shared_message
        global lock
        while True:
                data = self.request.recv(4096).decode('utf-8')
            except socket.error:
                print("=== [R] socket error ===")
            except IOError:
                print("=== [R] socket closed ===")
            if data == '':
                print("=== [R] socket closed ===")
            print("received: {0}".format(data))
                decoded = json.loads(data)
            except ValueError:
                print("json decoding failed")
                decoded = [-1, '']

            if decoded[0] >= 0:
                if decoded[1] == 'message':
                    #Wait for the message
                    # FIXME:It won't end until it's received
                    while True:
                        message = None
                        with lock:
                            if shared_message != None:
                                message = shared_message
                                shared_message = None

                        if message != None:
                            encoded = json.dumps([decoded[0], message])
                            print('sending message text')

                    #Request you don't know
                    print('unknown request {0}'.format(decoded[1]))

class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):

def send_server():
    HOST, PORT = "localhost", 13578
    return server(HOST, PORT, ThreadedTCPSendHandler)

def recv_server():
    HOST, PORT = "localhost", 13579
    return server(HOST, PORT, ThreadedTCPReceiveHandler)

def server(host, port, tcpHandler):
    server = ThreadedTCPServer((host, port), tcpHandler)
    ip, port = server.server_address

    # Start a thread with the server -- that thread will then start one
    # more thread for each request
    server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)

    # Exit the server thread when the main thread terminates
    server_thread.daemon = True
    print("Server loop running in thread: ", server_thread.name)

    print("Listening on port {0}".format(port))

    return server

if __name__ == "__main__":
    lock = threading.RLock()

    send_server = send_server()
    recv_server = recv_server()

    while True:
        typed = sys.stdin.readline()
        if "quit" in typed:


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