Read Math Girl Randomized Algorithm Last time ( Timed some sorts → I want a more solid distribution → Do you want to measure it?
DELL venue 11pro 5300 OS : Windows10 CPU : Atom Z3770 1.46GHz Memory : 2GB Language : Python 2.7
Repeat the following procedure 10000 times and compare the times.
The simplest search algorithm. Just check in order from the front. The source code is below
import numpy as np
def LINER_SERCH(A,n,v):
k = 1
while k < n:
if A[k] == v:
return True
k += 1
return False
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
There are many around 0.09sec to 0.10sec. It seems that False is returned here.
Just add the search target to the end of the given sequence. It's faster than just a linear search because it reduces the number of decisions in the While Loop. The source code is below
import numpy as np
A = np.append(A,v)
k = 0
while A[k] != v:
k += 1
if k < n:
return True
return False
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
There are many around 0.08sec to 0.085sec. It seems that False is returned here.
In the previous linear search and linear search with sentinel, you can see that the latter is a little faster.
How to compare the element in the middle of a given sequence (sorted) with the search target and reduce the search range according to the size. Only in this case, the operation of sorting the given sequence A is performed in advance. The source code is below
import numpy as np
import math
a = 0
b = n-1
while a <= b :
k = int(math.floor(b + (a-b)/2))
if A[k] == v:
return True
elif A[k] < v:
a = k+1
b = k-1
return False
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
There are many around 0.015sec to 0.017sec. Compared to the previous two searches, you can see that the algorithm is overwhelmingly faster even though it includes sorting first.
Repeat the following procedure 10000 times and compare the times.
A method of repeating comparison and exchange with the neighbor in order from the first one of the given sequence. The source code is below
import numpy as np
n = np.size(A)
m = n-1
while m > 1:
k = 0
while k < m :
if A[k] > A[k+1]:
A[k],A[k+1] = A[k+1],A[k]
k += 1
m -= 1
return A
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
0.7sec is the mode. Very slow ...
The first sequence of a given sequence is taken as the pivot, and it is divided into two sequences that are larger / smaller than the pivot. All you have to do is repeat the same operation. However, if you pass a sorted sequence or a similar sequence, it will be very slow. The source code is below
import numpy as np
if L < R:
p = L
k = L+1
while k <= R:
if A[k] < A[L]:
A[p+1], A[k] = A[k], A[p+1]
p += 1
k += 1
A[L], A[p] = A[p], A[L]
return A
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
0.17sec is the mode. Compared to bubble sort, the speed was about 75% faster.
Especially this time, since the sequence to be passed is generated by pseudo-random numbers, I wondered if the execution time was relatively stable thanks to the moderate randomness in the sequence. .. ..
Randomly get the pivoting method instead of fixing it to the left side of the sequence. This way you can (should) perform quicksort without depending on the randomness of the sequence (probability distribution of each element). The source code is below
import numpy as np
if L < R:
r = np.random.randint(L,R)
A[L], A[r] = A[r], A[L]
p = L
k = L+1
while k <= R:
if A[k] < A[L]:
A[p+1], A[k] = A[k], A[p+1]
p += 1
k += 1
A[L], A[p] = A[p], A[L]
return A
Below is the frequency distribution of the measurement results
…… (゚ Д ゚) Poker
Well, for some reason it became very slow when I made it random. .. .. And so I put np.random.randint (L, R) into the original Quick Sort in vain and remeasured it.
This is also late! (゚ Д ゚)
Apparently, np.random.randint is a very heavy process compared to other processes. .. ..
It seems that it can be used as a quicksort that does not depend on a given sequence while maintaining the same execution speed (except for random number generation) even if it is randomized.
When the execution time of the search / sort algorithm was actually measured and aggregated, the results were almost as theoretical. On the other hand, if you make random numbers, it will take time to generate random numbers, and you can also know interesting facts such as the original algorithm is faster (laugh)
Mathematics Girl Random Algorithm Author: Hiroshi Yuki Programming beginners compared sort times
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