[Python] A simple function to find the center coordinates of a circle

A simple function to find the center coordinates of a circle

This is a simple method of selecting three points in order from the array, finding two perpendicular bisectors, and centering the intersection of them.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

#Total number of points
N = 4

#xy is input, xy_o outputs
#Both are two-dimensional arrays and shapes,[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], ...]
def circle_c(xy):
    #Since 3 points are used to find the center of the circle, the output is reduced by 2 points.
    xy_o_len = len(xy) - 2
    #Set the array for output.
    xy_o = np.zeros((xy_o_len, 2))
    #Find the center of the circle by 3 points in order from the front.
    for i in range(xy_o_len):
        #Auxiliary calculation
        x12 = xy[i+0, 0] + xy[i+1, 0]
        # x13 = xy[i+0, 0] + xy[i+2, 0]
        x23 = xy[i+1, 0] + xy[i+2, 0]
        x21 = xy[i+1, 0] - xy[i+0, 0]
        # x31 = xy[i+2, 0] - xy[i+0, 0]
        x32 = xy[i+2, 0] - xy[i+1, 0]
        y12 = xy[i+0, 1] + xy[i+1, 1]
        # y13 = xy[i+0, 1] + xy[i+2, 1]
        # y23 = xy[i+1, 1] + xy[i+2, 1]
        y21 = xy[i+1, 1] - xy[i+0, 1]
        y31 = xy[i+2, 1] - xy[i+0, 1]
        y32 = xy[i+2, 1] - xy[i+1, 1]
        #Calculate the center of the circle
        xy_o[i, 0] = (y31 - x21*x12/y21 + x32*x23/y32)*0.5 / (x32/y32 - x21/y21) #x component
        xy_o[i, 1] = -(xy_o[i, 0] - x12 * 0.5)*x21/y21 + y12*0.5 #y component
    return xy_o

x = np.arange(N)
y = np.random.rand(N)
xy = np.c_[x, y]

cxy = circle_c(xy)

f = plt.subplot()
f.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], marker='.', markersize=20)
f.scatter(cxy[:, 0], cxy[:, 1], s=900, c="pink", alpha=0.5, linewidths="2", edgecolors="red")

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