[PYTHON] Find the intersection of a circle and a straight line (sympy matrix)

(Reference) Find the intersection of a circle and a straight line https://qiita.com/tydesign/items/36b42465b3f5086bd0c5 (Reference) The intersection of a circle and a straight line with sympy https://qiita.com/mrrclb48z/items/2d5bd66507166913573b

I feel like I can do it in one line.

Substitute a value from the beginning

#[Example] Center(3,2)A circle with a radius of 5 and a straight line 3x+2y-16=Find the intersection of 0
from sympy import *																													
var('x0 y0 r x1 y1 x2 y2 c s tx ty d sx sy')																													
        [v[s], v[c],v[ty]],																													
        [0   ,    0,    1]																													
       [ 1]																													
sx=AinvB[0].subs([(c**2 + s**2,1)])																													
sy=AinvB[1].subs([(c**2 + s**2,1)])																													
# 0.9574786408259727 6.563782038761041																													
# 6.427136743789412 -1.640705115684118																																																										

Substitute the value later (under construction)

#Find the intersection of a circle and a straight line(sympy matrix)																													
from sympy import *																													
var('x y x0 y0 r x1 y1 x2 y2 co si tx ty d sx sy a b c')																													
    [v[si], v[co],v[ty]],																													
    [0    ,     0,    1]																													
    [ 1]																													
sx=AinvB[0].subs([(co**2 + si**2,1)])																													
sy=AinvB[1].subs([(co**2 + si**2,1)])																													
#Result omitted

-------------- Supplement

It is a solve method and an intersection method with class without using a matrix. There are two ways.

I was taught by stackoverflow Honke. (Reference) sympy solve intersection line circle ---> why AttributeError:'tuple' object has no attribute'subs' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61634904/sympy-solve-intersection-line-circle-why-attributeerror-tuple-object-has-n It ’s Tuple.

#[Example] Center(3,2)A circle with a radius of 5 and a straight line 3x+2y-16=Find the intersection of 0
from sympy import *
var('v0 x y x0 y0 r a b c')
print(Tuple(*v[0]).subs({x0: 3.0, y0: 2.0, r: 5.0, a: 3.0, b: 2.0, c: -16.0}))
print(Tuple(*v[1]).subs({x0: 3.0, y0: 2.0, r: 5.0, a: 3.0, b: 2.0, c: -16.0}))
# (6.42713674378941, -1.64070511568412)

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