Currently, there is a standard module called tracemalloc
as a module for checking which variable allocates how much memory in a Python program.
If you use this, for example, you can check the memory release leak of a certain process by writing such code.
Code that calls tracemalloc directly
import tracemalloc
snap1 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
size1 = sum([stat.size for stat in snap1.statistics("filename")])
for stat in snap1.statistics('lineno')[:10]:
# ...Some processing...
snap2 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
size2 = sum([stat.size for stat in snap2.statistics("filename")])
for stat in snap2.compare_to(snap1, 'lineno')[:10]:
diff = abs(size1 - size2)
print("Amount of memory after processing{:,}Part-Time Job".format(diff))
If you use the with syntax, it looks like this
Classified to use the with syntax
import tracemalloc
class MemCheck:
A class for performing memory checks. Used in the with syntax.
A check is automatically performed when exiting with.
def __init__(self):
def __enter__(self):
self.snap = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
self.size = sum([stat.size for stat in self.snap.statistics("filename")])
print("-----TEST START!!!!-----")
for stat in self.snap.statistics('lineno')[:10]:
return self
def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
print("-----TEST END!!!!!!-----")
snap = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
size = sum([stat.size for stat in snap.statistics("filename")])
for stat in snap.compare_to(self.snap, 'lineno')[:10]:
diff = abs(self.size - size)
print("Amount of memory after processing{:,}Part-Time Job".format(diff))
print("-" * 20)
return False
def main():
with MemCheck():
# ...Some processing...
However, if you actually move this, the objects that use memory will include the inside of the tracemalloc module and the object for the operation of the debugger, so it is a little troublesome to use it for testing memory release leaks.
To that end, there is a method called filter_traces () for filtering the data.
However, if you look at the document, only two examples are written, so it corresponds to the situation that "I want to completely ignore the object for debugging" or conversely "I want to test only the code I wrote" can not.
What should I do when I specify a folder name and say "I want to trace only the files under this folder"?
You can write it as follows.
An example that uses the with syntax with a filter added
import tracemalloc
from pathlib import Path
class MemCheck:
A class for performing memory checks. Used in the with syntax.
A check is automatically performed when exiting with.
def __init__(self):
def __enter__(self):
self.snap = tracemalloc.take_snapshot().filter_traces(self.get_filter_traces())
self.size = sum([stat.size for stat in self.snap.statistics("filename")])
print("-----TEST START!!!!-----")
for stat in self.snap.statistics('lineno')[:10]:
return self
def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
print("-----TEST END!!!!!!-----")
snap = tracemalloc.take_snapshot().filter_traces(self.get_filter_traces())
size = sum([stat.size for stat in snap.statistics("filename")])
for stat in snap.compare_to(self.snap, 'lineno')[:10]:
diff = abs(self.size - size)
print("Amount of memory after processing{:,}Part-Time Job".format(diff))
print("-" * 20)
return False
#add to
def get_filter_traces(self):
return (
tracemalloc.Filter(True, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / ".venv" / "lib" / "site-packages" / "*")),
tracemalloc.Filter(True, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "*")),
def main():
with MemCheck():
# ...Some processing...
The get_filter_traces ()
method in the code is the method that returns the filter list for the filter_traces ()
method. I do this because I want the filter to be applied to all snapshot acquisition processes.
The argument of the filter_traces ()
method receives a tuple of the tracemalloc.Filter
object, and the tracemalloc.Filter
object has the first argument of the constructor that "displays a match for that filter". Specify "(True)" or "Display inconsistencies (False)", and specify the file name to be specified in the filter in the second argument (filename_pattern).
Looking at this file name and document, it says "File name pattern of the filter (str). Read-only property." So, at first glance, it's okay to insert a regular expression, but instead, it's a module called ** fnmatch. Specifies a Shell-formatted wildcard string that can be processed) **
If you are accustomed to using pattern matching such as regular expressions, you may think that pattern = regular expression, but please note that it is not a regular expression. If so, I wanted you to write a comment that would make you understand that much ...
If it is not the program itself that you wrote but the object that you called in the program that you wrote ** that allocated the memory, write it yourself with tracemalloc.take_snapshot ()
. It is not the line number of the source file that was used, but the line number of the source file that defines the called object ** (I called PyPDF.PdfFileReader with my program, and the memory read there was not released. In the case, "Memory is allocated in the files under\ lib \ site-packages \ PyPDF2 \
" is displayed).
Therefore, when creating a filter, not only "under the src folder" but also "the folder of the calling module" as in the above example should be included in the trace target. If the virtual environment folder is created in the project, it is OK if the search target is around .venv \ lib \ site-packages \ *
as described above.
I opened the C: \ PythonNN \ Lib \
file and followed the Filter process (bar).
I want you to forgive the behavior that you can't understand without doing this ...
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