Get the number of views of Qiita

at first

In acquiring the number of LGTM and View of Qiita I was able to refer to it because the API specifications have changed, so I couldn't get it. I will describe the acquisition method.


Go 1.15.2

  1. Get an access token === Get token from User Management Screen image.png

Select read_qiita and write_qiita as the scope image.png

  1. Check the URL of the information you want to get === Check the URL of the information you want to get from Official Document. The following two types will be used this time.
GET /api/v2/authenticated_user/items
Returns a list of articles for authenticated users in descending order of creation date and time.
GET /api/v2/items/:item_id
Get the article.
  1. Create a struct to convert json === Since the information returned when hitting the API from the official document is returned in Json, Create a struct that handles the returned data.


package data

type UserInfo struct {
	Id               string `json:"id"`
	Likes_count      int    `json:"likes_count"`
	Title            string `json:"title"`
	Page_views_count int    `json:"page_views_count"`
  1. Hit the Qiita API ===


package qiita

import (

func GetQiitaViews() {                                      // main.Call from go
	url := ""
	resp, err := doHttpRequest(url)
	defer resp.Body.Close()                                 //Close Body

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)                  //Get from the body of the response

	var userInfos []data.UserInfo
	if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &userInfos); err != nil { //Read json

	index := 0
	for _, user := range userInfos {                       //Read one article at a time
		url = "" + user.Id  //Get the number of views using the article ID
		resp, err := doHttpRequest(url)
		defer resp.Body.Close()

		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &user); err != nil {return}
		userInfos[index].Page_views_count = user.Page_views_count
		index += 1
	exporter.ToCsv(userInfos)                                //csv conversion

func doHttpRequest(url string) (*http.Response, error) {     //Common request
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)

	buf, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("token.txt")
	token := string(buf)                                     //Manage tokens in a separate file

	req.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")       //Application in header/Specify json
	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)       //Specify token in the header

	client := new(http.Client)
	resp, err := client.Do(req)
	return resp, err

It seems that it can not be obtained only with the following API, At first I didn't realize that I needed to query the URL and couldn't get it. Also, since page_view_count returns null (0 when put in struct with Go), It seems that the number of views needs to be obtained for each article. [[Qiita API] Like! I referred to the article of "Automatic counting of views" (

GET /api/v2/authenticated_user/items
Returns a list of articles for authenticated users in descending order of creation date and time.

Therefore, the following API is used.

GET /api/v2/items/:item_id
Get the article.
  1. CSV output ===


package exporter

import (

func ToCsv(userInfos []data.UserInfo) {
	file, _ := os.OpenFile("result.csv", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)  //Open file
	defer file.Close()

	writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
	writer.Write([]string{"title", "like_count", "page_views_count"})   //Add a header
	for _, user := range userInfos {
		likesCount := strconv.Itoa(user.Likes_count)                    //Convert int to string
		pageViewsCount := strconv.Itoa(user.Page_views_count)
		writer.Write([]string{user.Title, likesCount, pageViewsCount})  //writing


The source can be found here ( Due to uploading the source to GitHub, token information is managed in a separate file in the same directory as main.go. Some error handling is omitted.


Official [Qiita API] Like! Automatic counting of views Export CSV in Go language! SJIS version for Excel! Go's import cycle not allowed

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