[PYTHON] Get the number of Youtube subscribers

Copying of Virtual Youtuber data collection using Youtube Data API -Qiita

Channels  |  YouTube Data API  |  Google Developers


from googleapiclient.discovery import build


def youtube_channel_detail(channel_id, api_key):
    api_service_name = 'youtube'
    api_version = 'v3'
    youtube = build(api_service_name, api_version, developerKey=api_key)
    search_response = youtube.channels().list(

    return search_response['items'][0]

def main():

    d = youtube_channel_detail('UCHVXbQzkl3rDfsXWo8xi2qw', YOUTUBE_API_KEY)
$ python3 nijisannji.py
Ange Katrina- Ange Katrina -

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