There are many fonts that can be set with jupyter-themes, so I have to be particular about fonts as well! I thought it was a trigger
Then please
--Fonts to avoid: --Jupyter default font: Not a monospaced font --saxMono: 1 and lowercase L are indistinguishable, 0 and uppercase O are indistinguishable --Liberation Mono: 0 and uppercase O are indistinguishable --Aurulent Sans Mono: 0 and uppercase O are indistinguishable -Other than "fonts to avoid", the rest is your choice. Meslo was selected because it is easy to distinguish between l and 1 + diagonal line 0 + slightly stronger than office.
Code created so that you can change the theme while fluttering
import subprocess
font_raw = """anka Anka/Coder
anonymous Anonymous Pro
aurulent Aurulent Sans Mono
bitstream Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
bpmono BPmono
code Code New Roman
consolamono Consolamono
cousine Cousine
dejavu DejaVu Sans Mono
droidmono Droid Sans Mono
fira Fira Mono
firacode Fira Code
generic Generic Mono
hack Hack
hasklig Hasklig
inconsolata Inconsolata-g
inputmono Input Mono
iosevka Iosevka
liberation Liberation Mono
meslo Meslo
office Office Code Pro
oxygen Oxygen Mono
roboto Roboto Mono
saxmono saxMono
source Source Code Pro
sourcemed Source Code Pro Medium
ptmono PT Mono
ubuntu Ubuntu Mono"""
font_list = []
for i in font_raw.split('\n'):
f_arg = i.split('\t')[0]
font_name = i.split('\t')[1]
def generateCmd():
base_cmd = 'jt -t gruvboxd -T -N -ofs 12 -f %(font_name)s'
for font in font_list:
yield base_cmd % {'font_name':font[0]}, font[1]
changeTheme= generateCmd()
cmd, font_name = next(changeTheme)
res =,shell =True)
user_acc = { 'user': 'l1l1_aa_0O0O_2S2S', 'password': 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', 'database': 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'}
for i in user_acc:
print(i.ljust(15,' ')+user_acc[i])
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