[PYTHON] pip memorandum

pip help

It is a Japanese translation of the English sentence displayed in. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.


pip <command> [options]


pip install Install the package.

pip uninstall Uninstall the package.

pip list List the installed packages in the following format.

package name(version)
Example) selenium (2.48.0)

pip freeze List the installed packages in the following format. Convenient to use in combination with pip wheel.

package name==version
Example) selenium==2.48.0

pip wheel -r requirements file The packages described in the requirements file Save to the wheelhouse directory in wheel format (extension .whl).

requirements file is

package name==version

Describe in the format of.

pip show package name

Display information about installed packages.

pip show selenium

Name: selenium
Version: 2.48.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

pip search package name

Search for packages from PyPI.

pip zip

pip unzip

pip bundle

pip help [command]

Display command help.

General Options:

-h, --help Get help.

-v, --verbose Output details. It can be used up to 3 times.

-V, --version Display the version.

-q, --quiet Execute the command with no output.

--log-file path The path of the detailed non-additional log that records only failures. The default log output location is ~ / .pip / pip.log.

--log path Detailed postscript log path. This log is disabled by default.

--proxy proxy Specify the proxy in the following format.


--timeout sec Set the socket timeout. The default value is 15 seconds.

--exists-action {switch | ignore | wipe | backup}

Set the default behavior if the path already exists.

--cert path The path of the individual CA bundle.

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