[PYTHON] Memorandum conda command

Environment list

$ conda info -e

Create a new environment

$ conda create -n [name] python=3.6
$ sudo conda create -n [name] python=3.6

Run the environment

$ source activate [name]

Exit the environment

$ conda deactivate

Erase the environment

$ conda remove -n [name] --all
$ sudo conda remove -n [name] --all

Change environment name

$ conda create --name [new name] --clone [old name]
$ conda remove --name [old name] --all


In OSX, back-space doesn't work, but typed character vanished

On OSX, the cursor moves to the right without disappearing in the backspace for some reason. However, the characters themselves have disappeared.

$ conda install readline==6.2

conda path

** anaconda3 / bin / python ** should change this when changing the path of the conda directory

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