[PYTHON] How to get rid of the "Tags must be an array of hashes." Error in the qiita api

When I hit qiita api with the python code below, I get the error "Tags must be an array of hashes."

{"error":"Tags must be an array of hashes."}
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import urllib
reqdata = {}
reqdata['title'] = 'qiita first post'
reqdata['tags'] = [{'name':'qiita'}]
reqdata['body'] = 'first post'
reqdata['private'] = 0
reqdata['twitter'] = 0
reqdata['token'] = TOKEN
params = urllib.urlencode(reqdata)
url = 'https://qiita.com/api/v1/items'
print urllib.urlopen(url,params).read()#Now POST
print url+params

Before parameter decoding


After parameter decoding

body=first post&tags=[{'name': 'qiita'}]&twitter=0&title=qiita first post&private=0&token=TOKEN

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